Top 5 guitarists

J-Dubya 777 said:
GAME ON! This oughtta be GOOD! :devil:

Mick Mars is to innovative guitarists as John Wayne Gacy is to the International Clown College! :D

J-Dubya - Bring it, Bubba!

Sorry for my pause. It was due to being busy, not to think up a good lie.

Mick definitely IS innovative. From a riff-meister standpoint, he is a bit above-average. From a solo standpoint, he is a bit below average. He isn't a songwriter, so I suppose you wonder why I am impressed with him right ? That my friend, is very easy. It is due to a combination of style and tone. Up until I heard the song "Kickstart My Heart" by them, Mick wouldn't have cracked my top 100 guitarists. When I first heard the "wahhhhh..... wuuuuaaa" ala first two notes of "Kickstart my Heart" when he did the motorcycle effects, I immediately knew it was the new Motley Crue song. He had never done those type of "whammy" riffs before, but I knew it was him and it was Motely Crue.
If you are a musician and someone who isn't a fan of yours is able to recognize you after two notes, then you HAVE achieved an amazing feat. I am not crazy about his work as a whole, but he owns THE most definitive style and tone of ANY guitarist in my ears simply due to that.

TwizstedJesus said:
Ok,nobody responded with these names...or at least a few of these names..

5. Jake E Lee...Badlands is the best bluesy rock band...Ever!

Any comments on this list...feel free to slay me

I feel bad about not mentioning Jake. He was also a great, great rythm player. He had some extremely memorable solos, but I can remember some of his rythms with Ozzy were insane.

Jake E Lee
Jim Matheos
Vinnie Moore
Michael Schenker
Rik Emmett

I never got people thinking that Alex Lifeson was an ourstanding guitarist. Anybody care to enlighten me? He's definitely a very good guitarist, but I just doing get him being one of the best, or ever great.
alex lifeson gets a lot of respect from guitarists because he was one of the first to use a lot of suspended and augmented chord shapes in a hard rock setting...some of his note choices and use of open strings were very innovative as he had a lot of space to fill being in a 3 piece...any time you look at someone being innovative or question their abilities you have to take into consideration the time frame in which they got their notoriety...while many here will say for example "loomis slays hendrix", you have to remember loomis may not exist without hendrix, vh, and malmsteen leading the way and making the impact they did in their times...this, in itself, is why i think the term "best" is a bad thing to use in all instances...because there is no best when it comes to is all based upon personal taste and interpretation...d.m.
Bryant said:
Sorry for my pause. It was due to being busy, not to think up a good lie.

Bah! ...but this better be good..... ;)

Bryant said:
If you are a musician and someone who isn't a fan of yours is able to recognize you after two notes, then you HAVE achieved an amazing feat. I am not crazy about his work as a whole, but he owns THE most definitive style and tone of ANY guitarist in my ears simply due to that.


The problem is, they hear those 2 notes, and they're not going "Kickass, it's MICK MARS!" . It's more like "Fuck that, that's Mick Mars, put something else on...". :heh: He's so BAD, 2 notes, and you're DONE! :puke:

J-Dubya 777 said:
Bah! ...but this better be good..... ;)

The problem is, they hear those 2 notes, and they're not going "Kickass, it's MICK MARS!" . It's more like "Fuck that, that's Mick Mars, put something else on...". :heh: He's so BAD, 2 notes, and you're DONE! :puke:

He isn't personally one of my favorites, but like I say..... two notes and instantly recognizable is an amazing feat. Sorry if you can't respect it, but I can.

diablomozart said:
alex lifeson gets a lot of respect from guitarists because he was one of the first to use a lot of suspended and augmented chord shapes in a hard rock setting...some of his note choices and use of open strings were very innovative as he had a lot of space to fill being in a 3 piece

Thanks. I didn't know that stuff.
diablomozart said:
alex lifeson gets a lot of respect from guitarists because he was one of the first to use a lot of suspended and augmented chord shapes in a hard rock setting...some of his note choices and use of open strings were very innovative as he had a lot of space to fill being in a 3 piece...any time you look at someone being innovative or question their abilities you have to take into consideration the time frame in which they got their notoriety...while many here will say for example "loomis slays hendrix", you have to remember loomis may not exist without hendrix, vh, and malmsteen leading the way and making the impact they did in their times...this, in itself, is why i think the term "best" is a bad thing to use in all instances...because there is no best when it comes to is all based upon personal taste and interpretation...d.m.

My guitar teacher told me that if somebody started with their first album, and learned their songs through each album (up to Hemispheres or so), that they would basically completely learn the guitar. Reason being, is that Lifeson evolved as an artist from album to album (until it became more synth based). I really enjoy Lifeson's playing. He's another guitarist that doesn't try to be flashy with speed, but rather with the notes he plays.
Bryant said:
He isn't personally one of my favorites, but like I say..... two notes and instantly recognizable is an amazing feat. Sorry if you can't respect it, but I can.


Nope, ZERO respect for Mick Mars. But I do dig some old MC stuff from time to time....He's lower on my list than CC Deville! :)

Cheiron said:
I really enjoy Lifeson's playing. He's another guitarist that doesn't try to be flashy with speed, but rather with the notes he plays.

He's a great guitarist. The guitar in Limelight is so beautiful that there's times when I hear it and could weep.

Get ready folks - Dubya will be all over me for that last sentence...