Top games of 2011

Aug 14, 2008
Sup bros, what are your favorite games of this year? Honestly, this was a weird year for games if you ask me. The 3DS launched to a shitty start, Duke Nukem Forever turned out to be a complete flop, and many games that were supposed to come out this year (The Last Guardian, Metal Gear Rising, etc) got shelved. However, there were some gems nontheless! These are my favorite games from this year!

4)Ico/Shadow Of the Colossus HD edition

Last gen, I made the mistake of only getting a Gamecube and missed out on a bunch of amazing PS2 titles, but my biggest regret was missing out on those games. When I heard they were being released in HD, I immediately pre-ordered this. Honestly, even though the controls are "dated," the visuals are pretty stunning considering that these games are 5 and 10 years old. Sure, Team ICO went in there and improved the visuals and not just shoehorning an HD port (Lookin at you Resident Evil 4 HD, wtf Capcom), but either way this collection is surprisingly beautiful from a visual standpoint. Totally worth it.

3) Deus Ex: Human Revolution

if it wasn't for the poorly designed boss battles, this game would have been my personal favorite of 2011. But, that quip aside, this game was simply amazing. Not only did the feeling of being able to do whatever the hell you wanted to do make me feel like a boss in this game, but this is one of the most believable worlds I've ever seen. Like, I can legit imagine us living in a world like this in 20 years, in which augmentations can be used to make us stronger, healthier, etc. Further, this game brings up all the great ethical and philosophical dilemmas that come with implementing such augmentations into the world.

2) Super Mario 3D Land

The 3DS had a rocky start. It launched to basically a lineup full of crap and those who bought it at launch for $250 were forced to watch Nintendo apologize once again for yet another shitty business decision and drop the price to $180 for everyone else. It seemed as if nothing could cool down the fiery rage from those who actually bought the damn thing at launch, until Super Mario 3D Land was teased to us at E3. Did you grow up with Super Mario 3 on the NES or Super Mario World on the SNES? If you play this game and don't feel like a kid/young adult from the late 80's/early 90's and tear up in nostalgic glory, then you have no soul.

1) The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim


I'll be real. I rented Oblivion when video stores were still a thing and the economy wasn't in the tank. I thought it sucked. I grew up on Japanese RPGs, not these retarded FPS "press x to win" Elder Scrolls games. Okay, JRPGS are also "press x to win," but at least those games have characters that I care about (the good ones anyways) and a good story. Oblivion didn't really do that. I love GTA and other sandbox games, but I couldn't care less about how much shit you can do in a game if you don't give me a reason to care about the world you put me in. So of course, when Skyrim came out, I was skeptical as hell. In fact, I was dead-set on buying Dark Souls instead because that was more of an action game with RPG elements, rather than a full blown RPG. But after all my friends getting Skyrim and haranguing me about how much of a loser I am because I wasn't going to get it + the glowing reviews + all the hype it's been getting on the internet, I decided to plunk the change down and get Skyrim. Skyrim completely fixes everything I hated about Oblivion. I care about my character's story, I feel like a badass playing as him, and I care about the quests people send my character on. I care about wanting to upgrade my armor, weapons, etc. I care about wanting to get better abilities and level my guy up. This game is dangerously addictive to the point where I set a time limit each day so that I don't ruin my entire afternoons/nights by just playing Skyrim. Games this fun, immersive, addictive, etc don't come around too often...

What are your thoughts on the games this year?
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Excellent list. I had purchased Shadow of the Colossus when it came out for the PS2 and enjoyed that very much.

I played quite a few games this year - and though some of them may have been released earlier (2010, 2009), they provided me with quite a bit of enjoyment... but as for 2011, my two fave games have been:

Fifa 12 - Yeah, it's Fifa 12 but it came out in 2011. What else can be said other than: it's the best god damn sports game out this year, period. It's also the best Fifa ever made. Who would have thought that a soccer game would be one of the most sold games of the season in... the USA?

I'm telling you. It's the biggest god damn sport in the world. One of these days it's going to take over here too. ;) :lol:

Skyrim - What AeonicSlumber said. Best. God. Damn. Game. Of. The. Year. I have been playing the hell out of this. Amazing story (much like Morrowind and Oblivion) and amazing game play. There's so much to do in this game it's not even funny. Perfect. 10 out of 10.
Skyrim's sweet but glitchy as fuck. Still, it's so addictive that I haven't even hooked up my Wii + Skyward Sword that I bought a few weeks ago. No clue if the damn system even works LOL....and I LOVE ZELDA GAMES.
haha it's crazy how big those soccer games are in Europe. They even have games where you manage a team AS THE GAME! It blows my mind that people find that fun - like those Japanese games where you run an item shop that only people in Japan would buy.
haha it's crazy how big those soccer games are in Europe. They even have games where you manage a team AS THE GAME! It blows my mind that people find that fun - like those Japanese games where you run an item shop that only people in Japan would buy.

Whatever dude, Football Manager is awesome. :lol: The Japanese were right about Godzilla, Nintendo, Squaresoft, and Teriyaki. They can't be that bad. :lol::lol:

(Yes, I said Football. And I meant soccer. I mean footbal... I mean, you know what I mean...)
I was on track to buy an assload of games this year and go all kinds of crazy with them since I quit WoW (again) in early May. Then the somewhat unexpected happened and my wife actually agreed to let me buy my bike!

Also, I've never gotten the Elder Scrolls series, at all. Which I admit must sound weird from a dude with a 5 year WoW career and a strong love of JRPGs. It's like a massively multiplayer offline role-playing game, and I just don't get the allure in that. If you can't make some tween ragequit then it's just not as much fun as it ought to be.

As an odd sidenote, I'm currently playing the hell out of Pokemon Emerald on an emulator. I just love the unabashed grindiness of the Pokemon series.
I was on track to buy an assload of games this year and go all kinds of crazy with them since I quit WoW (again) in early May. Then the somewhat unexpected happened and my wife actually agreed to let me buy my bike!

Also, I've never gotten the Elder Scrolls series, at all. Which I admit must sound weird from a dude with a 5 year WoW career and a strong love of JRPGs. It's like a massively multiplayer offline role-playing game, and I just don't get the allure in that. If you can't make some tween ragequit then it's just not as much fun as it ought to be.

As an odd sidenote, I'm currently playing the hell out of Pokemon Emerald on an emulator. I just love the unabashed grindiness of the Pokemon series.

Sweet bike brah!

Yeah Skyrim is the first Elder Scrolls game that I legit enjoyed. I'm also more into JRPGs and am generally not a fan of MMOs either. I played World Of Warcraft for a few months years ago and it was fun and I definitely saw the appeal -- I couldn't last too long in it. The idea of having to pay a monthly fee just bothered me so I stopped.

Did you play Pokemon Black/White? That ruled. It wasn't one of my favorite games of 2011, but it was pretty fun. Can always count on Nintendo to make solid games, even RPGs.
Thanks! Italians make incredible fun machines.

I hadn't tried Black/White, no. I tend to be behind the curve on games that require a large time investment, but given my love of Pokemon I'm willing to bet I will eventually play them.

The good thing about games is that you don't have to freeze your ass off in winter to enjoy them, lol.
Skyrim's sweet but glitchy as fuck. Still, it's so addictive that I haven't even hooked up my Wii + Skyward Sword that I bought a few weeks ago. No clue if the damn system even works LOL....and I LOVE ZELDA GAMES.

Same thing happened to me. Bought Skyrim and Zelda and started Skyrim. Zelda is still in the shrink wrap. A Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time are favorite games of all time. I heard one review said Skyward Sword is the best Zelda game but I find that hard to believe.

That Mario 3DS game is on my xmas list. Mario games have been pretty solid lately.
I am getting a PS3 in a week or so....what are some of the best RPG's and strategy war games out there.....I have been out of the video game scene for about 10 years.....

God of War is a fun Action game, but one of the most fun RPG's I've played has been Assassin's Creed. The worlds are just huge. I've also enjoyed playing the demos of both Prototype and Red Faction: Armageddon, so much so that I've bought one and waiting until after xmas to get the other.

Uncharted 2 was also immensely fun, but I don't own it and haven't played around with it quite as much.

I'd strongly recommend picking up portal 2, especially if you've played Portal. It's a great continuation of the series, and fun multiplayer.

I've heard good things about Batman: Arkham series, but have played neither.

Dark Souls is touted as one of the most difficult games (and most fun) ever on the PS3.
Star Wars: The Old Republic is an incredible MMO (for the MMORPG fans).

The story is excellent. The instancing well crafted. And you can force choke the life out of things.

I've been lucky to be a beta user and the transition to early access has been great. There are queue times sadly but so far very worth it. Live next week.
haha it's crazy how big those soccer games are in Europe. They even have games where you manage a team AS THE GAME! It blows my mind that people find that fun - like those Japanese games where you run an item shop that only people in Japan would buy.

Only people in Japan?

Recettear is pretty awesome for what it is.

And yeah, Football Manager has its followers.
Speaking of the gaming industry, this is a fairly great representation of both Hype of games and the desire to sell us DLC - first 90 seconds.

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Only people in Japan?

just because it's available here doesn't mean people buy it. Anyways that was just one example of a laundrylist of godawful Japanese games that nobody else cares about. The Japanese gaming industry is tanking hard. If Ni No Kuni (the collab between Studio Ghibli and Level 5 - two mammoth companies in Japan) couldn't even break 100,000 copies sold in the first week in Japan, that's a horrible sign of things to come for that scene. Even Nintendo, arguably the wealthiest video-game exclusive company in the world lost ONE BILLION dollars this year. That's enough to sink most companies, and while Nintendo has billions in the bank, and could take this hit and run -- they cannot consecutively get burned as bad as they did this year.
SWTOR. I don't care if it's officially released tomorrow.. SWTOR. Oh man. It's so good. It's almost like the prequils were erased from existence by the sheer awesome of this game. I love it so much.