Top Ten Bands No One Seems To Know About.....

Shadow Gallery= Great Symphonic Progressive Metal

Shadow Gallery are very well-known. One of my favorite bands too.

I think Persuader aren't as popular as they should be. Great band, style very similar to Blind Guardian.

Others include Iron Savior, Adagio, Communic, Green Carnation...that's about all I can think of now.
I'd have to say #1 really has to be X Japan(at where I live anyways). Not really that no one seems to know about them, I've met a few people personally who've heard them before. It's just that a hell of a lot more people should've heard of them considering how legendary a band they were.

Edit: For those of you who haven't heard of them, they're a really talented Japanese(duh) speed metal band from the 80s and 90s. They also did lots of ballads, and even have a half hour song called Art of Life that was recorded with the London Philharmonics Orchestra, which combines speed metal and classical music. Anyone who's into really talented older metal bands should check them out.
Thurisaz (black metal/atmospheric/folk) from Belgium

Alchemist (tribal? psychedelic death metal) from Australia

...both of which are fucking stellar and should be mentioned in every thread goddamnit...
Gojira interested me for a while but they didn't really hold my attention, nothing significantly different in any of there songs. Thanks Gojira for making another decent album. Not great far from bad.
You like Beastcraft? They sounded utterly dull and uninspired to me.

that's probably an accurate description, but i'm still looking at their new album next month... as i liked the atmosphere of their demos.
I'd have to say #1 really has to be X Japan(at where I live anyways). Not really that no one seems to know about them, I've met a few people personally who've heard them before. It's just that a hell of a lot more people should've heard of them considering how legendary a band they were.

Edit: For those of you who haven't heard of them, they're a really talented Japanese(duh) speed metal band from the 80s and 90s. They also did lots of ballads, and even have a half hour song called Art of Life that was recorded with the London Philharmonics Orchestra, which combines speed metal and classical music. Anyone who's into really talented older metal bands should check them out.

Which album(s) should I start out with ? Keeping in mind that the more outlandish the more I will enjoy.
yeah but its mostly "false"/"safe" corporate nu-metal crapola.

my little brother likes bands like Job For A Cowboy (I almost beat him up for this), Cradle Of Filth and Arch Enemy. but he'll never listen to stuff like Beherit, Darkthrone or Morbid Angel.

You should give him some 'gateway' albums to listen to, like Nemesis Divinia, or Beneath The Remains.
Which album(s) should I start out with ? Keeping in mind that the more outlandish the more I will enjoy.

Very hard for me to pick an album since they're all masterpieces and all showcase the diversity of the band very well. I would say it's between blue blood and jealousy.

Blue blood will give you the deepest feel for what made the band amazing, especially because it has the song Rose of Pain which is a masterful blend of classical music and metal, along with many other really great songs.

Jealousy on the other hand is probably more diverse in that each band member wrote several songs for it rather than most of them being written by Yoshiki. This produced songs like Desperate Angel which sound a lot different from what the band normally plays but still are great.