Tori Amos playlists

'siren' - thats the one!

that song gives me shivers every single time i listen to it. it has this strange kind of energy to it. it's like an orgasm. long and intense, coming in waves.
tmtk said:
'siren' - thats the one!

that song gives me shivers every single time i listen to it. it has this strange kind of energy to it. it's like an orgasm. long and intense, coming in waves.
Oh. For a moment I thought the song was wet, messy and finished in 10 seconds :lol:

The only Amos album I have is the latest, Scarlet's Walk, so I can only suggest that one, it's amazing. Heard previous stuff as well, but don't know the names.
Blood Roses and Mr. Zebra. Both out of Boys for Pele, her greatest album IMHO...all other albums are great though...all hail the Katatonia rip-off from "From the Choirgirl Hotel"'s Jackie's Strength...! Wisely chosen that one! :headbang:

"She's got a Cellular handy
almost in love "Vanilla"
and you know you're
gonna lie to you
in your own way "

She's a goddess FFS!
Achernar said:
Blood Roses and Mr. Zebra. Both out of Boys for Pele, her greatest album IMHO...all other albums are great though...
You think so? I've not listened to Boys for Pele, but I've heard many opinions about it. Some say it's her best work, some say it's not as good. I'll buy it anyway to see with whom I will agree ;)
Feanor IV said:
You think so? I've not listened to Boys for Pele, but I've heard many opinions about it. Some say it's her best work, some say it's not as good. I'll buy it anyway to see with whom I will agree ;)
the whole album is kinda different from all her works...more harpsichordish maybe...o_O But the singing is just awesome...some of her best lyrics in that one too...

"had me a trick and a kick and your message
well you'll never gain weight from a doughnut hole
then thought that I could decipher your message
there's no one here dear
no one at all"
Achernar said:
Blood Roses and Mr. Zebra. Both out of Boys for Pele, her greatest album IMHO...all other albums are great though...all hail the Katatonia rip-off from "From the Choirgirl Hotel"'s Jackie's Strength...! Wisely chosen that one! :headbang:
She's a goddess FFS!

boys for pele, tori's best album
Mr zebra, one of her best songs
as for albums, i'm still voting for "little earthquakes" - almost all the songs from that one are among my faves.

but each of them albums has true pearls and is worth to check out.
i only have little earthquakes and the girl from the choirgirl hotel. hotel is me fav but dont ask me for fave songs cause im not enough into tori to have fav songs
tori is my HEROIN/........GODDESS/IDOL. me favourite album is 'from the choirgirl hotel' and me fave song is 'i i e e e'. all her albums are worth it anyway, a few boss songs on all of them.
good lad allan! good girl kinder! 'iieee' was great when performed live too, i nearly cried for the earth that night.
I have all her albuns and I find it very hard to say what's the best... but I guess I have to say little earthquakes... erhm.... wait, no... maybe boys for pele? hell, I dunno. It depends on my mood. All i can say is that my least favorite is From the choirgirl hotel, although one of my favorite songs is in this album (Jackie's Strength)...

I gotta say, imo, Tori is the best female songwriter/performer.
i've never seen here live, is she good then, i heard she is great at festivals, but at concerts it is never that good? still love to se her