Torn = Not good

So, you don't read reviews when purchasing anything? That's odd.

Yeah, I just don't care about the reviews if it's something I really like. I always hang on untill the band and the music itself dissapoints me. Not the reviews, since it's not other peoples opinions I'm into. Get it?
Yeah, I just don't care about the reviews if it's something I really like. I always hang on untill the band and the music itself dissapoints me. Not the reviews, since it's not other peoples opinions I'm into. Get it?

I prefer to not throw away 20 bucks. I enjoy good music...not interested in band loyalty. Too many people will eat up any old garbage thrown at them from their chosen bands due to some ridiculous loyalty...rather childish.
Simple question : if Torn was the first Evergrey album I had happened to listen to , would I be interested in looking for their previous albums ? SURE I would ! So , as far as I am concerned , this is a very good album.

Now , I'm not an "old" Evergrey fan since I heard about them real late , with the song "A Touch Of Blessing" ( TIC as you probably know) ;so , I can understand early fans may be disappointed with the way it sounds now , I don't know , I didn't pay enough attention to their first 3 albums , I was so focused on "Recreation Day" : I'm not the right guy to talk about that ; but what's sure , is that Torn is very good music : what you say , in fact , is that it shouldn't be an Evergrey album , and this is a far more difficult subject...
Shouldn't be an Evergrey album?...nope...didn't say anything like that...said it was a good album, but a disappointment considering their earlier work...I think it's a step's an ok listen, just does nothing for me and doesn't stay with me.

And as for the other don't need to enjoy every release to be a fan of a band...and being a fan doesn't mean you need to accept everything released as great.
I like the new cd a lot, but i can see where some people can't get into it as much as their earlier work. The tempo is mainly mid pace and i feel they don't mix it up enough, the keys seem to be lost in the mix. Some of the vocal patterns and lyrics seem to be rehashed.

If you think mma is better than torn then i don't really expect you to like torn.
Although it kind of pains me to say this, I'd rate Torn as just 'Okay'. I've listened to it a lot and really tried to like it, but I never could get into it. No song has really stuck in my head and I have no real desire to listen to the album again. It's just too 'thick', lacking a lot of the nuances that made the previous albums great (perhaps with the exception of MMA).

In contrast, I just started listening to In Search of Truth again and it's just a monumental step up in originality, atmosphere and production compared to Torn. That damn album oozes quality.
Although it kind of pains me to say this, I'd rate Torn as just 'Okay'. I've listened to it a lot and really tried to like it, but I never could get into it. No song has really stuck in my head and I have no real desire to listen to the album again. It's just too 'thick', lacking a lot of the nuances that made the previous albums great (perhaps with the exception of MMA).

In contrast, I just started listening to In Search of Truth again and it's just a monumental step up in originality, atmosphere and production compared to Torn. That damn album oozes quality.

I couldn't agree more...on all accounts.
I was one of the first people around here to say they didn't care for TORN all that much... and in the ensuing months, my opinion hasn't changed. In fact, unlike most of their other albums from ISOT through even MMA, I don't find myself wanting to listen to it at all.

It's just missing *something* on the whole and it sounds like a bunch of rehashed stuff we've already heard. There is nothing new here... nothing inventive or well written like the classic Evergrey albums.

I thought MMA was a dropoff of sorts, but TORN is worse... there is nothing memorable on TORN where at least MMA had a few memorable tunes.

I never thought I'd say this about Evergrey after they released a series of albums I'd categorize as masterpieces, but my faith is wavering here after two sub-par releases in a row.
I was one of the first people around here to say they didn't care for TORN all that much... and in the ensuing months, my opinion hasn't changed. In fact, unlike most of their other albums from ISOT through even MMA, I don't find myself wanting to listen to it at all.

It's just missing *something* on the whole and it sounds like a bunch of rehashed stuff we've already heard. There is nothing new here... nothing inventive or well written like the classic Evergrey albums.

I thought MMA was a dropoff of sorts, but TORN is worse... there is nothing memorable on TORN where at least MMA had a few memorable tunes.

I never thought I'd say this about Evergrey after they released a series of albums I'd categorize as masterpieces, but my faith is wavering here after two sub-par releases in a row.

Yes...ISOT and TIC are, in my opinion, two of metals greatest albums...we're in a downward spiral now...even Recreation Day was a very good release...I think they'll realize it and pull back up eventually...there's a lot of talent here.
Well I think that Torn is a damn good album, for me the best album Evergrey has ever recorded. I own almost all their albums and the DVD, and they have been one of my fave band for many years now so I have a past with them. My favorite so far was Recreation Day, but this one as a whole is better for me.
Never before had any of their albums take my as this one. The sound itself is very appealing for me, raw, dirty, warm, emotional, not the cold, calculated sound like TIC pr MMA.
This album grey tremendously on me. After the disappointment of MMA (yes...) I was reluctant about Torn, and for the first few listends I thought it lie a big rock, hard to find any holds on it to grab. Then I listened some more and it just clicked. First was Fear then the rest followed.

I can see why others are dissapointed tho, but to each his own.
I think Evergrey fascinate different people and made opposite point of views, coz I'm one who classifies MMA the BEST album and Fear the worst track of Torn...

Evergrey, thank you for giving us this diversity!
I personally think Evergrey has steadily declined after Recreation Day. This is not to say RD or TIC were bad albums; on the contrary they are strong pieces of work. I actually consider only MMA as an awful piece. Thing is, to me Evergrey peaked quite early. They showed signs of great things right with their debut, and to me, SDD and ISOT was their best one-two punch ever. ISOT remains their pinnacle. It's just that most people discovered them through RD that this disc gets held up so high. In fact, RD has quite an average production job (if only they could have worked with Neil Kernon). And with TIC, while a good album, they've just re-visited old musical territory.

Look at their first three albums and see how different each one is. The debut is their darkest and doomiest; SDD is more melodic and heavy; and ISOT is their most progressive and mature work. Everything that came after these always merely mirrored aspects of their first three. And like I said, they totally got derailed with the embarrassing MMA.

Just my 2 cents.
... to support Evergrey or only criticize them?

If they went too bad after ISOT, RD or IC, whatever, like all of your people insist to say, WTF are u doing here?

Stop listening to it!
I'm tired of reading only bad stuff (Torn is not good, MMA sucks, IC has something...) of the band that supposedly should be supported here!

...and once again, WTF!

Go find some band that u really stand for, instead of posting only CRAP here...
I love EY music and I think that there's a few members here, who are supportive for the band and whom I have most respect and pleasure to read their posts...

that's it!
felt that I needed post this... :Smug:
... to support Evergrey or only criticize them?

If they went too bad after ISOT, RD or IC, whatever, like all of your people insist to say, WTF are u doing here?

Stop listening to it!
I'm tired of reading only bad stuff (Torn is not good, MMA sucks, IC has something...) of the band that supposedly should be supported here!

...and once again, WTF!

Go find some band that u really stand for, instead of posting only CRAP here...
I love EY music and I think that there's a few members here, who are supportive for the band and whom I have most respect and pleasure to read their posts...

that's it!
felt that I needed post this... :Smug:

Don't be such a girl...there's nothing wrong with expressing's not an Evergrey butt lick message board...any mature listeners and/or players can see that there is a decline in the quality of the doesn't make any of us any less of a's simply pointing out the obvious. Get over yourself.
Is it just me, or has this thread gone too far?

The "Torn = not good" talk between a few people for 5 pages are more or less saying the same thing and at least I have understand what you want to say and respects that even though I really are into Torn. And then to the personal attacks. They do not fit in here!

This is a forum about a band we love in one way or another. As said before, our taste is diverse and that is something we all have to respect.

Please keep this forum a friendly and serious place!
I prefer to not throw away 20 bucks. I enjoy good music...not interested in band loyalty. Too many people will eat up any old garbage thrown at them from their chosen bands due to some ridiculous loyalty...rather childish.

That must be the stupidest thing ive ever heard... When a band has released 6 outstanding albums you wouldnt by their new release because of one bad review? thankfully bands have loyal fans or else no one would bother to try to make a living it of it. and 20 bucks? well well...