totalled my car and got a new job

dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
shitty and awesome at the same time!

so yeah.

i was driving to work this morning, approaching an intersection. the roads are really narrow and it's right by the courthouse, so there are always cars parked all along the sidewalk. i was slowing down and stopped at the stop sign but i guess i didn't pull up far enough. there were at least 3 cars parked along the sidewalk to my right so i didn't have a very clear view of the traffic coming from the right, but i didn't see anybody coming so i went straight and got t-boned by someone who, as it turns out, WAS coming from the right.

there were cop cars there like the second it happened, i was fine (albeit sobbing my eyes out, terrified), the guy driving the other car (an older guy - it was a 93 BMW >.<) was fine as well. the cops made sure i was okay, got my info, i went over to the other guy pretty much sobbing an apology, he was about as nice as someone could be in this circumstance. i call my parents, work, Will, explain my side of the story to the cops, get my stuff out of the car, wait in the 15 degree weather while the cars are towed, my mom comes and gets me, hears everything from the cops.

so as it stands now, i've got a $150 ticket for failing to yield to oncoming traffic and 3 points on my license. one of the officers there said that if i do go to court for it, a certain judge there is really lenient for people who don't have any record (i've never gotten any tickets, never had any other altercations, etc) and will probobly take the points away so all i have is the fine.

though the damage didn't look that bad, my car is totalled. the front passenger side was crunched in. it looked like just body damage as the door looked perfectly normal from the inside, but the glove box was stuck and a small corner of the windshield was spiderwebbed. after spending half my life on hold with the insurance people, they told me it was totalled and they'd just give us a check with the value.
the other guy's car is probobly totalled too. it didn't look "oh my fucking god!" bad but the lip-area of the hood and all the stuff to the very front was smashed up (could still see the bmw logo, though)

sooo... i get to work. one asst manager had to leave an hr before the manager was due in so, following the course of the day, i was kinda freaked out about having to spend an hr there without anyone who could actually take care of stuff. my manager came in after like 15 min, though, so that was no big deal.

my mom picks me up, we get food and she takes me to home depot where i have an interview to be a cashier. the interview goes fine - i awkwardly muddle my way through the "tell me about a time where you had to accomplish a difficult task" questions and get papers for a drug test aka i got the job.

so yeah.


If you have two jobs I'm sure you'll be able to afford another vehicle.
He stayed in Texas, I think. Some lady at Samantha's wok claimed Jesus helped her lose weight or something, and I looked in the closet and the fucker followed me to Texas and stayed there after I left.
If you have two jobs I'm sure you'll be able to afford another vehicle.
that's isn't too big of a problem. the results of the accident don't seem too terrible as of now. the insurance will pick up however much of the cost to the other guy as they can and then give us a check for the value of my car minus the deductable.

as it turns out, my dad said one of his friends might be selling him a car (both he and i got our cars from friends of his) so i guess either he'll take that car and let me have it and use the insurance money to pay bills or something, or take the other car and buy a car with the insurance money so i can have one and my brother and sister can fight over the other one.

before this, my bitchy little sister was telling me that one they got their licenses, they would get first priority with the car i drive because it "isn't fair that laura just got a car" so i guess now the little cunt only has more ammo to use against me as far as why she should get the new car and i shouldn't. because she'd have 2 jobs to get to and all... ugg.
Fucking blindspots. They should pay for it since their shitty streets and parking conflict with each other. It's like when you're at a stop sign and there is a fucking bush or something gay like that in your way.....or the road is all gayed up so douchebags turning right block your view to the right and you're turning left so you're blocking their view to their left....

AHG! Fucking my pals engineers!
Fucking blindspots. They should pay for it since their shitty streets and parking conflict with each other. It's like when you're at a stop sign and there is a fucking bush or something gay like that in your way.....or the road is all gayed up so douchebags turning right block your view to the right and you're turning left so you're blocking their view to their left....

AHG! Fucking my pals engineers!

Fucking blindspots. They should pay for it since their shitty streets and parking conflict with each other. It's like when you're at a stop sign and there is a fucking bush or something gay like that in your way.....or the road is all gayed up so douchebags turning right block your view to the right and you're turning left so you're blocking their view to their left....

AHG! Fucking my pals engineers!

That is exactly what I thought! :lol:

Best thing is to get a tank and a good insurance so you don't have to bother about parking slots or anything.