Dolamite S. Biffle said:
I wanna know what the fuck is going on with WW singer situation because Mikey killed it, the last time I saw them nad I kinda feel like they dicked him over.

There's a lot that happened behind the scenes. Mike wasn't dicked over. Sometimes there are consequences to your decisions, though. Unfortunate because Mikey is a great singer and fit in very well with them.
Wow. White Wizzard put on a hell of a show for a crowd of less than 10! I'm really only a little familiar with the High Speed GTO era tunes. It's a shame they did not have any CD's because I would have likely purchased one. The new singer was great as mentioned before and we learned that he has only been in the band 3 weeks and that it was his second show with the band. This new guitarist is a shred master and was phenomenal. The whole band was really in top notch form and I will definitely try to see them if they come around again. I hope the line up stays intact. Icarus Witch put on a solid show too but White Wizzard really impressed (and surprised) me. Glad I went.
Wow. White Wizzard put on a hell of a show for a crowd of less than 10! I'm really only a little familiar with the High Speed GTO era tunes. It's a shame they did not have any CD's because I would have likely purchased one. The new singer was great as mentioned before and we learned that he has only been in the band 3 weeks and that it was his second show with the band. This new guitarist is a shred master and was phenomenal. The whole band was really in top notch form and I will definitely try to see them if they come around again. I hope the line up stays intact. Icarus Witch put on a solid show too but White Wizzard really impressed (and surprised) me. Glad I went.

Did people leave early or was that all night long? I'm surprised because I had spoken to a few people there last night (Icarus Witch, tour manager) and they said again, there were about 40-50 people... 10 is bad. LOL

Also, It doesn't help when we send posters to the venue for promotion and they choose not to use it... Lol

And yeah, WW puts on a hell of a show.
Did people leave early or was that all night long? I'm surprised because I had spoken to a few people there last night (Icarus Witch, tour manager) and they said again, there were about 40-50 people... 10 is bad. LOL

Also, It doesn't help when we send posters to the venue for promotion and they choose not to use it... Lol

And yeah, WW puts on a hell of a show.

Yeah it could not been more than 10 on the floor for either band. There were maybe 30-40 people on the balcony but I think they were local Joliet folk just drinking and hanging out.

Yeah in future you should send posters to me and I could put them at music shops around town. It may be a better plan. Let me know if you want help.
Yeah it could not been more than 10 on the floor for either band. There were maybe 30-40 people on the balcony but I think they were local Joliet folk just drinking and hanging out.

That blows. Then again, I know that most folks in the Chicago area hate going to Joliet. Add "bedroom" fans who don't really support the bands and that's what you get.

Yeah in future you should send posters to me and I could put them at music shops around town. It may be a better plan. Let me know if you want help.

That's awesome of you. Thank you so much and I will definitely take you up on that offer. \m/
I made it out to the show last night. I didn't know I'd be able to go until this last Friday, because I always get my work schedule last minute. I was incredibly tired and almost didn't go. Boy am I glad I went! White Wizzard was awesome, as I expected, but Icarus Witch was pretty damned amazing, too! I got the merch package they were selling, since $30 for a bunch of swag seemed like a good deal. Got the poster signed, too. :)

Nice guys, great live, and I really hope they come back!

Met-Al and I were both thinking they'd be perfect for a ProgPower kickoff party, too. The bassist saw my ProgPower shirt and said "I've been wanting to play that fest for years!"
Yeah, I vote for Icarus Witch for a ProgPower appearance, too. Great show by both bands last night.

There were about 10 of us right along the barrier (and if the 5 of us ProgPower regulars weren't there, it would have been only five!), the pit was a vast expanse of empty, and maybe another 10 with their butts planted in seats. It was really pathetic. I thought the turnout was bad the last time I saw White Wizzard, when they opened for Firewind in the same venue, boy was I wrong.

I hope the rest of the tour gets better numbers, because these guys really deserve it. Thanks for bringing them to town for us lonely souls that cared.
Wow. White Wizzard put on a hell of a show for a crowd of less than 10! I'm really only a little familiar with the High Speed GTO era tunes. It's a shame they did not have any CD's because I would have likely purchased one. The new singer was great as mentioned before and we learned that he has only been in the band 3 weeks and that it was his second show with the band. This new guitarist is a shred master and was phenomenal. The whole band was really in top notch form and I will definitely try to see them if they come around again. I hope the line up stays intact. Icarus Witch put on a solid show too but White Wizzard really impressed (and surprised) me. Glad I went.

Damn. Now I really feel bad for not going. Unfortunately, I did have a prior commitment though.
That blows. Then again, I know that most folks in the Chicago area hate going to Joliet. Add "bedroom" fans who don't really support the bands and that's what you get.


The other problem with that specific venue is you can only buy and drink alcohol upstairs. There was some issue supposedly NYE and since they've closed down the bar downstairs to only water and soft drinks. It's really lame as all it does is hurt the bands because you have no one on the floor.
The other problem with that specific venue is you can only buy and drink alcohol upstairs. There was some issue supposedly NYE and since they've closed down the bar downstairs to only water and soft drinks. It's really lame as all it does is hurt the bands because you have no one on the floor.

I noticed that at Ragnarokkr. It especially sucks for the bands to look out and see no one on the floor.
this. Another quality US act for USA DAY!

Do you really think a USA day at ProgPower USA would help make things better attendance/ticket-sales-wise though?

Personally, I am not sure it would. Not to mention that I think it might even hurt the perception of a world-renowned festival for some people... like to admit it or not.
AngraRULES said:
Do you really think a USA day at ProgPower USA would help make things better attendance/ticket-sales-wise though?

Personally, I am not sure it would. Not to mention that I think it might even hurt the perception of a world-renowned festival for some people... like to admit it or not.

If it's high quality US bands that you wouldn't otherwise be able to see, absolutely. It cuts down on visas and airfare too.
LOL - The "little issue" at MoJoes was a fight that began in the club which led to almost a full on riot onto Cass Ave!
They lost their liquor license multiple times as a result.

Met-Al said something positive about Icarus Witch?
Wow, what happened to the Al I used to know????
Granted I believe his issue with them was their old singer.

The only comment I will make about this tour is that a tour like this needs a solid local band at each gig to help with the draw.
Furthermore, not just a solid local band, but one that will help promote the show.

A club like MoJoes does not give a rat's ass if its a metal show, a hip hop show, or a screamo show.
They take a chance on anything. Some sticks. Others don't.

This show did make it to all their online and print ads, which is more than can be said for a lot of clubs.
The only comment I will make about this tour is that a tour like this needs a solid local band at each gig to help with the draw.
Furthermore, not just a solid local band, but one that will help promote the show.

I feel like you want to say more things about the tour. If that's indeed the case, I'd love to hear exactly your thoughts on it.

The thing with the local bands is that I agree, but honestly, it should be the venue's job to find that. I don't have the time to look through every town for local bands that could draw. I don't know their draw in their respective cities since I don't go to shows in all of them. However, only one promoter agreed to throw in a local I suggested out of all of the ones people recommended me.

Also, how many more people could a quality local attract? 40? 100? It's hard to judge and predict... Can't tell you how many locals I put on a show because "they could draw up to 80" and pulled two... (literally)

This show did make it to all their online and print ads, which is more than can be said for a lot of clubs.

Great, now I wonder what happened to the posters I sent them...