Tour EP

Can someone pls get a copy for me !I will pay for everything it cost to send it in Quebec. If someone want pls send me a pm!

Just to grow up my collection lol!
The logo looks awfully familiar to this one:

let's see what the latinamerican members have to say about that XD

:hypno: Oh mein Gott not RBD!!! Nooo what's that doing here?!?

Bad Thanatos, bad!


Please don't compare Niklas' awesome logo with that, the only "resemblance" are the lions and they're not even the same. :zombie:

Jolty said:
I will try to get one for you and afz902k, but I don't guarantee anything. I'll be there on the 9th, so I'll let you guys know on the 10th or 11th. (I'm not going to grab any more for anyone else, though.)

Oh mein Gott thank you! Thank you soooo much! :waah: *hugs*
Yeah, right: and IN FLAMES' jester shield is a standard brush in Adobe Illustrator (true story).

So what?
Looks kinda like this one, they posted it on their site a while back.

Yeah, it's kinda scary. I noticed it one time too, freaked me out. Thought I had [EDIT]LEGALLY OBTAINED[/EDIT] a Swedish copy or something...

And it's the same pattern on the flask, if I recall. (the lions)

@plintus: wow, that is really similar to the jester shield! fuck! too bad your LA trip is canceled, but anyway I hope someone else on this forum will do us poor non-americans the favour of buying the EP :) thanks anyway, plintus. ah, anche when the pics are ready, make sure I know!
@plintus: wow, that is really similar to the jester shield! fuck! too bad your LA trip is canceled, but anyway I hope someone else on this forum will do us poor non-americans the favour of buying the EP :) thanks anyway, plintus. ah, anche when the pics are ready, make sure I know!

It's taking longer than anticipated, and it won't be news when they arrive, but we are getting there ;)

Have faith! :)
...and keep in mind we are not Mr. Herneheim, whose shots from the Close-Up gig were never seen online, even in low res, as they are copyrighted (but who gives?)


Also, I'm working on a full story of our trip, which I'm going to post after some censoring some time later this year. Yeah, I have trouble putting the sentences together, as all experience was out of this world, and coming back to these memories makes me miss those times terribly.

But I will overcome myself.

...later this year :D