Translate Burzum

Astral Poetry

"Eros! Your hand...!"
Mar 21, 2003
"'s missing!"
I'm at a loss right now as I want to know what the song titles are for the Burzum cd "Hvis Lyset Tar Oss". I can't seem to find a Norwegian to English translator so if someone could be so kinda as to translate these titles: "Det som en gang var", "Hvis Lyset tar oss", "Inn I slottet fra droemmen", and "Tomhet". Thanks
Well its not that wrong...

Det som en gang var - What once was
Hvis lyset tar oss - If the light takes us
Inn i slåttet fra drømmen - Into the castel from the dream
Tomhet - Emptiness
Yup mate, Im 100% sure, the direct translation of the word "hvis" is "if" and the direct translation (from English to Norwegian) of the word "when" is "når"...

So if it should be When the light takes us, it would be Når lyset tar oss.
LuminousAether said:
I think you are all wrong, here's my go:

Det Som En Gang Var = I am a Moron
Hvis Lyset Tar Oss = I am also a Cocksucker
Inn i slattet fra drommen = Foolishness wears many masks
Tomhet = Especially on mine

That's fucking hilarious.
Glad to know I have an ally in the "Varg is a talentless gimp" camp.
luminous aethers answer was fuckin funny, even though i love burzum, and that album is a masterpiece, and yeah, it definitely is "if", was talking to a guy called dag from a band called lidskjalv from a few years ago (awesome black metal, listen here -
and he translated some of the lyrics for me, "det some engang var" is a complete work of art ..