Transparent master bus compressor?

Thanks guys. Guess there's no way out of forking out a bit of cash.

Greyskull, one of the studios I recorded at had the Phoenix, but I only got a chance to use it on overheads. Not much time to really listen and enjoy sadly. Would love another chance.

on OHS?? interesting.... not something ive done before.
its an AWESOME compressor, but its a beast, a little quirky, and it sure aint cheap!
Focusrite RED
ALan Smart C2
API 2500
and so on...

And they all cost around 3000$, so maybe it is time to start saving up the cash?? ;)

You can ad to your list:
SPL Kultube
EL distressor

Erm: why didn't try SSL X logic? Just a posibility;)
still prefer uads 4k bus compressor for rock mixes. very nice way of pumping. i also tried to emulate the staub sound a while ago and was very happy with the results using the 4k.
have you tried that out?
still prefer uads 4k bus compressor for rock mixes. very nice way of pumping. i also tried to emulate the staub sound a while ago and was very happy with the results using the 4k.
have you tried that out?

Yeah, thats my favorite too, atm.

Love this thing! The best comp from UA, imho.
I wrote 160SL not 160;)
And yes, many european engineer use distressor (Malta from RG studio for exemple), spl kutube and dbx 160SL on 2 bus

Edit: a 160SL is that

Thats not at all transparent though. A distressor on the mixbus is going to really make the mix have a snappy, plastic'y sound to it. Great on snares, very 2d on the 2 buss. Never used an SPL, but the DBX 160sl is a lame attempt, on DBX's part to recreate the sound of a real 160VU, which on snares, BD, and bass sound fucking awesome. They have a very unique compression pump, not something that most people would like on the 2 buss.

RE Ermz: If you have never had a chance to try the Drawmer 1969 Mercenary Edition, you should. I've used it on a couple of new school thrash band mixes and always like how it could be used to really control a mix without turning to shit. A lot more low end then a SSL 4K buss comp or any of the clones. Its also a fucking killer DI for bass.
It can be, at 1 or 2 db of compression, but your right @ 8 db of compression it gets messy. I've also noticed that the 4k buss comp never really sounds the same unless its actually in a 4k. Somthin' about those damn SSL's. :notworthy hah
Bump to an 'old" thread:lol:

Erm: have you already hear about A design the nail?
Actually the ultimate gearslutz 2buss comp (and I understand why... fuck I want this beast).

-able to deal with massive GR without distord
-low end sidechain
-2 threshold per channel

A design website

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It's okay guys, I've come to peace with the GSSL. There was some mis-metering going on making me think there was less GR going on. Thanks for the suggestions, but imma lay off the gas as much as possible throughout the year since I'm getting arse-full busy and have no time to integrate new hardware.
I got a Drawmer 1968ME last week and used it for the first time over the weekend. I was hitting 6db with and it sounded great and the mix came together really quickly. The session was a Metallica cover band. You can hear the tracks here

If you want to send me a wav I will put it through the Drawmer and send it back to you if you want to hear it on your own stuff. Not the same as actually mixing into it but should give a good idea of the sound of it. I used it for tracking too on overheads, bass and vocals. Best bit of gear I have got in ages.

I used to use Sonnox, but now I use MD3. It's a multiband compressor...lows gets compressed a little harder...