Travel experiences


The Journalist
Apr 17, 2001
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Back again in the sweet home!
Here are a few notions and generalisations I made on the trip.
Amsterdam was nice and smaller than I had thought.
Six times I was offered to buy heroine or extacy.
Smoking pot wasn´t that special.
Dutch people are big, blond and have large noses.
For some reason Finnish journalism students like me behave themselves in Amsterdam but get extremely drunk on ferry journeys.
In Germany every road leads to a place called Ausfahrt. ;)

Germany sucks for what experience I have. It smelled like shit when we drove through it. People were rude and didn´t talk english with me. As if I knew any German. It isn´t nice to go to a store and ask how much this costs when the answer is "asfjfkasl sdfkm". Even young people pretended they were unable to communicate in English, which surpriced me alot. a Tourist in Finland doesn´t get treated like shit. We talked Finnish to them as a revenge.
They also acted quite rudely at us and the German tourists in Amsterdam were a real pain in the ass singing crappy German hits in the morning. Even though the English have a bad reputation I don´t have anything bad to say about them, expect that they laughed at our funny sounding language! :lol:

The fact that I didn´t see any real forests on the way from Denmark to Netherlands was quite disturbing.
I couldn´t live in a place where nature is really gone and that´s why I already felt like home when we drove through Sweden and saw some wild nature on the way.

It´s good to travel, because coming back home to your girlfriend feels so good.
Oh yeah and maybe the best part of the trip was our visit at the Ajax museum.

It was a strange feeling to see so many pictures of Litmanen on the walls, but they didn´t give me any discount for my nationality... ;)
To me parks and wheatfields aren´t really the same thing as nature.

I see nature as a wild and natural place and not something that´s controlled by people.

But it was a nice trip! The fact that I was homesick most of the time made it less fun than it could´ve been, but it was a good experience.
I was surprised that the prostitutes were that good looking! I was expecting worn out old wrinkly hookers...
But it remains a mystery to me how does anyone have the balls to actually go and fuck one. I didn´t find it really tempting in that enviroment. And I have a nice, intelligent, great and nymphomaniac girlfriend too, so why bother.
Originally posted by Anssi
Germany sucks for what experience I have. It smelled like shit when we drove through it. People were rude and didn´t talk english with me. As if I knew any German. It isn´t nice to go to a store and ask how much this costs when the answer is "asfjfkasl sdfkm". Even young people pretended they were unable to communicate in English, which surpriced me alot. a Tourist in Finland doesn´t get treated like shit. We talked Finnish to them as a revenge.

Noticed that too.

Can't they speak English to customers at least in the fucking hotel where they fucking work at?! We were leaving the hotel in Ruisrock (or Rostock, as the weird people seem to call it) and this lady knocked at our door. So I went to open the door and she said something like "sdf, sdflkj, sdafijf?" and I said I don't understand German. She just left and I'm still wondering what the hell was she on about!? :err:

The weirdest thing happened when I went to get some cash from the cash machine at the railroad station near our hotel. Some lady came to me and I guess she asked something. I just said I didn't understand German. She replied to me with these exact words: "Oh! Have a nice day then!" WTF?! :err:
It was quite strange that when I went to the toilet in a gas station to take a piss there were always these people wearing white Mengele type doctors outfits (and cleaning up maybe?). I went in to take a piss and there was this lady talking to me in German all the time. I was like, what the fuck, I´m taking a piss here and I don´t speak German, what do you want.
Then I realized that I have to pay her for using the toilet! What the fuck is that system that you pay the toilet cleaner for using the toilet? Don´t they get paid for fucks sake?
Wouldn´t it be a bit more classy that if you have to pay for using the toilet you can do it in the cash register, not in the damn toilet where some person dressed up as a doctor utters German to the innocent customers!
Change of territory.I just got back from British Colombia.Always a bunch of talk about them not liking Americans but that just wasn't so.When we approached the Canadian border we wer'nt even asked for our I.D.'s.Yet when we were coming back into the states we were given shit because we didn't have passports or birth certificates with us.Damn border check cunt!
Oh great and I am leaving for Germany tomorrow, can hardly wait :D
Oh well, we can speak finish to them too or maybe swedish, especially with my crappy swedish it would be fucking hilarious :lol:
Any good record stores in Berlin?

At least I know the one line I need to pick up anything, ein beer bitte or something to that effect, my spelling might be compleately F'ed tho :p
Originally posted by Thanatos
and by the way, why just ask for one?

alcohol...the international language :)

Maybe cos ein is the only number I know in german that I can pronounce right :)
Originally posted by Eddy
The weirdest thing happened when I went to get some cash from the cash machine at the railroad station near our hotel. Some lady came to me and I guess she asked something. I just said I didn't understand German. She replied to me with these exact words: "Oh! Have a nice day then!" WTF?! :err:

Why is that weird?
The woman probably asked something like "Excuse me do you know where the Schwtchwschshcwhshpflechtpfler Street is?" When she realized you were a tourist probably she was aware of the fact that tourists rarely know things that she, as a local doesn't know; therefore she politely said goodbye saying "Have a nice day".

Mystery solved? :D

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