Triple Rec Clip - What do you think?

OK, the band I'm recording right now brought in their Triple Rectifier last night, so started reamping this morning. Its the first time I've ever used a rectifer, and I'm looking for some feedback on these guitars.

Chain is PodXT tubescreamer (need a proper one!!!) -> Triple Rectifier -> Mesa Traditional cab -> 57 -> Mackie Onyx 800R

Cheers :kickass:
Holy shit! That guitar tone rules!! I think it's absolutely perfect for the mix.

The whole production is actually really good, I'm really liking it! What'd you use for the rest of... everything? :lol:
Haha thanks man. Where to start?

Drums were a Sonor Force kit, I posted a snare sample I made from that kit last week I think. Snare is a mix of the original, Kaomao's dry snare (which I processed), and that sample I made of the drummers snare. Kick drum is 100% of the Premier Kick that I EQ'ed quite a bit.

Bass is a Spector, not sure of the model. Most of the bass sound in that is PodXT on the Ampeg setting, with a little bit of DI.

Guitars were as I said above, played in by a couple of PRS guitars - really fucking nice tone in them!

Vocals were AT4040, however I still want to mix these more as I reckon I can get em sounding better.

I took some photos when tracking drums, and also I can take some now (while I am reamping of the guitar set up).

Cheers for listening to it, and glad that you dig it :kickass:
I always like hearing good Rectifier clips. Considering the amount of crap they are given (obviously not by the people that know how to work them properly)

:headbang: Good stuff. What are the Bass Patches for the PODXT like btw. I just bought my first bass and just go DI for now with some "hellian" plugin. Recommend I get the Bass stuff for my PODXT?
I'm not overly fond of the Bass amps on the PodXT, they do do a job though. I like it for tracking. I reckon with a bit of tweaking you can get a good tone from it. I'd say using a good bass makes the biggest difference in my experience (other than the player ofcourse!). I'd recommend the Ampeg SVX plugin over the PodXT models for sound quality, but I prefer having them in the Pod for tracking.

The bass patch I used was nothing special just turned some knobs untill it sounded good.
Would it be possible to post a piece of the recorded guitars in unprocessed form?
The ones you've achieved after reamping?

thanks in advance.

your mix is very good!! Keep going!

No need to lower the vocals ... the singer is good enough to be heard. Very often in metal the vocals are only pulled back "into the mix" because the singer sucks bigtime and/or is one-dimensional.

Only suggestion I have is to add more little fx here and there into the vocals to make them sound less dry and similar. Modulations (chorus/flanger/phaser/leslie/etc) and delays come to mind.

Like the mix and the song!!
awesome guitarsound bro!
but theres this nasty little tail to the snare, try to compress it differently.
and i'd suggest to turn down the master in exchange for a bit more
subtle compression on the master bus to tie things together.
and put some more reverb on the vocals, they're not too loud but too prominent i guess. but even now i really like your mix !!
Great sound on this production, I like those PRS a lot.
Were those the SE edition ? or expensive ones?
Glad you used my sample ;) I find that pitch-shifting it up a little bit, it really helps to make it tighter, that's what I did on one of my last recordings and it worked like a charm.
Guitars were both expensive ones, one was a more expensive 22 fret, the other was a slightly cheaper (but still expensive) 24 fret. Both sounded great mind, and were great guitars to play on too. Really gave a cool tone through the amp.

Cheers for that sample, it worked really well in this context. I think about 40% of the snare is your sample, 40% a sample of the drummers snare, and the rest the original snare.