Triple Rec Clip - What do you think?

This is exactly what I should do, great advice. I haven't really delved much into this stuff, maybe you could give me some advice/suggestions?

Okay, it's hard for me to be specific here, because I am so used to doing these things that when I hear the song and a certain effect is not there, I instantly perceive it as "missing", haha ... so going through the whole song would be a bit overkill.

Try this though:

Set up the following vocal tracks (use sends so you can EQ the returns):

1: clean with a very small reverb (like they are now)
2: with a flanger on a setting you like
3: with a 1/2 delay
4: with a 1/4 delay
5: with a 1/8 delay
6: with a chopper effect set to 16th notes
7: with a phaser
8: with a chorus going into a long church-like reverb
9: with a telephone-eq setting

Now go through the song word by word and just cut pieces that make sense as a "logical unit" - then put them into one of the channels and find out which effect you like. This may be some work at first, but very soon you'll be able to imagine how it will sound and be quicker.

With the tons of different vocal styles in this song already, I don't think it will be necessary to change the vocals too much, but to have a little effect on some of the phrases would provide an added kick, I think.

On my song "Storm/Sparks/Structure" on my last album, I decided to have 4 effects set up and cycled through them all the time, so on 3 words of a phrase you'd have a flanger, and on the next 5 you'd hear a chorus, on the next 4 there was a chopper, etc. ... The song is about emotional unrest and I wanted to create something strange going on in the vocals, where subconsciously something was always happening. It worked really well, because you don't really notice until you listen closely - but if I switched out the FX it sounded completely boring.

Try the above method and please post the results!
Cheers smy, thats the kind of stuff I was looking for. Just been giving it a try, there are a lot of options with it. I'll try and post something up here later, but I need to work on their other songs right now - got to get these mixes wrapped up by Sunday.

Would love to sit in on a mixing session to learn things like this and when to apply them etc.
Could you give any insight into your guitar mixing/ eq?
it sounds awesome, truly,
the master of the mix i think sounds great.. may be a touch loud and vocals blah blah (its all been said) but i'd love to know how you did it :)
I try and get the guitar sound as good as possible before I start processing anything. Its a kind of annoying answer as there is no quick easy fix, but try and get the guitar sound as good as possible in the room before anything.

Then get a 57 in front and spend as long as it takes moving it around before you are happy. I'll usually spend a few hours getting this exactly where I want it. If I need to use EQ in the mix, its usually very subtle just to shape the guitar sound around the mix.

Glad you liked it, and cheers for digging up this old thread!
*Sits down in the interview room with coffee*


Do you prefer the orange channel for the rhyhms?

If so why? :Saint::)

Ive done all my shit with the red so far, I tried the orange and it sounded a lot fuzzier, however that track sounds bold rather than fuzzy.

Can we have a small discussion on the red vs orange please :)

Thankyou! :rock:
My experience with rectifiers is pretty limited, so I'll speak about what the case was when I produced these guys.

I found with the rectifier, it REALLY helps when being boosted by a tubescreamer. I found the orange channel easier to get a good sound on for this stuff, the red was a bit much on the gain and fizz front. I basically just tweaked from there and thats how I got it. I think in this clip it was the first time I had used a rectifier and came out pretty good i think. I have since used a dual, and I think I prefer them, although both have pretty cool sounds.