Trivium-The Crusade

I really don't hear too much in common with Metallica at all, alot of people seem to think they are the new old metallica yet there is no connection between any of Triviums albums and Metallica's first 4. I've always seen Trivium as a mix between nu metal and metalcore, they aren't anything special, at the time they aren't terrible and are actually talented and have good musicianship. I still really can't stand them though.
I actually think I prefer bits of Ascendancy to what I've heard of the new album. While they play their instruments fine, the vocals still suck and they've gone from sounding like every other metalcore band in existence to leeching heavily from the Black Album/The Ritual eras of Metallica and Testament. Screw all their talk about it sounding like Justice. :Puke:
The album was a semi-solid album, musically it was decent. Played some good harmonies, and it only got a bit repetitive. Vocally... the drastic change pissed me off. Sure his vocals sucked before, but suddenly changing... that's fucking sellout if you ask me. What the fuck is he thinking. His vocals are also very repitive in nature, not much of a change from his last albums, but still annoying. It's a fun spin, I listen to it once in a while for kicks if I have nothing else to listen to, but otherwise... not worth a dime. I give a 3.25. Decent, but not decent enough.
I was pleasently surprised with the new Trivium album - it does sound kinda like early Metallica-y...but with the vocals, that's not *all* too good of a thing. Ah well, at least they beat shouting. My main gripe with the album is the way the songs swing from, well, heaviness(?) to that damn annoying harmony...thing that all metalcore bands seem to do. That annoyed the kvlt out of me in some tracks. Also, the lyrics do occasionally seem strange...

I give this a 5. I am good at reviews and you are not.
I must be one of the only people on earth who think A7X improved with "City of Evil".

I did, the guitar playing improved. More melody, even though the vocals were crap.

On the subject, The Crusade was a decent album. Flame my ass if you will, but Ascendancy ruled. Sure they are posers, sure they don't sound like they did, but if the music is good that's all that matters. But the music's not quite up to par as I'd expect after Ascendancy. And what are "Becoming the Dragon" and "This World Can't Tear Us Apart" doing there? But on the good side, it was surprisingly catchy and a CD I touched alot, and "To The Rats" and "Entrance Of The Conflagration" were great songs.

And for Burning Bridges, I may be a trivium fan, but i'd pick alexi over trivium anyday. Just to be on your side.