True Detective

"Now, if this were me, writing this scene, I'd probably do something like..."

Fucking yuck, what a douche. And the articles he references are even worse.

I thought the washingtonpost article raised good points but I agree on the other articles. If this series' shtick going forward is gonna be to do hardboiled crime fiction that pretends at depth by throwing in a bunch of literary references then I can see why critics are getting disillusioned. I'm still hopeful that this'll be a good season though.
I thought the first episode was crap. But more in that way that pilots and opening episodes so often are than a 'this show fucking sucks' kinda way. Although that bar scene was shitty.

I saw someone saying that the following two are better, which is was I'd expect. Can't see it being anywhere near as good as the first series, or any other top tier programmes, though this was never likely anyway.
I thought the washingtonpost article raised good points but I agree on the other articles. If this series' shtick going forward is gonna be to do hardboiled crime fiction that pretends at depth by throwing in a bunch of literary references then I can see why critics are getting disillusioned. I'm still hopeful that this'll be a good season though.

Can't you see how ridiculous it is to judge an entire season based off one episode? Just because the first season was outstanding?
Just read the washington post article, and I have a hard time respecting critics who focus solely on the masculine portrayals of the first season and somehow already bringing it into this one as a negative critique. Maybe i'm just a man-lover or something, but I masculinity almost had nothing to do with my enjoyment of the show.

Also she negatively assumes that Pizzolatto has no idea what he's doing with Greek symbols because she hasn't seen the entire series. Christ, give the artist some credit here.

But anyways, she writes an article why she loves Entourage so I don't really respect her analytical perspective anyways.
tv criticism is just generally terrible precisely because it's always based on an episode or three. barely better than evaluating a film based on the first 20 minutes.
Can't you see how ridiculous it is to judge an entire season based off one episode? Just because the first season was outstanding?

The critics generally get the first three as far as I'm aware.

I watched it, it was ok. Great production and feel. I'm looking forward to more.
I did see that after I read her article, but even still, judging a movie or anything off 30% is really silly. Skeptical is cool, but condemning? Weird.
Well I knew someone would die in the second episode, from one of the reviews, but wtf.
TD: I really enjoyed the episode tonight, think the season has gotten better episode by episode. What do you guys think?
Vince Vaugh whooped some ass. "Leave the rings won't matter". His character development is interesting. He's trying to get into somewhat legitimate business but finds himself continuously getting pulled into the basement with the rats that he has to squeeze