True Metal Show in Jonesboro, GA @ Breakers Oct 20th

yes...the new/old drummer is brian riggs...he plays a kit the size of a nuclear power it was a pretty decent show for him only having been in the band a short while...mucho thanks to hoyt, james, and everyone else that came out...and i know...jonesboro is definitely out of the way for most of us...but the sound system and the monitor system there was pretty damned good last night...we had a great time and look forward to playing with halcyon way and theocracy again whenever we can...and yeah...i have no voice today at all...lmao...d.m.
Rider of Theli said:
here are some pics from each band's performance last night at Breakers:

Those pictures are fantatstic! Great job, Hoyt :kickass:

diablomozart said:
jonesboro is definitely out of the way for most of us...but the sound system and the monitor system there was pretty damned good last night

Yeah, it's too bad the place isn't in a more convenient location, because the venue/stage/sound system isn't bad at all. The people that run the place seem very cool, as well (and they definitely seemed interested in having all three bands play there again, so they either weren't as disappointed in the turnout as we were, or they could at least see from the enthusiasm/response from those in attendance that there was something very cool going on).

diablomozart said:
the new/old drummer is brian riggs...he plays a kit the size of a nuclear power

When I first saw the drum riser, I thought it seemed unnecessarily large; after Brian set up his kit, I realized it was just barely big enough :lol: .
yeah brians kit is...humongous...but he uses every piece of it too...hope you enjoyed the new song by the way...and james you looked puzzled during my lead singer part of the show...seems i may have sung a little somehting there you didnt recognize either...look for it to be in the set sometime
diablomozart said:
hope you enjoyed the new song by the way...and james you looked puzzled during my lead singer part of the show...seems i may have sung a little somehting there you didnt recognize either...look for it to be in the set sometime

Yeah, that was a very cool teaser for hopefully some more surprises coming up in future gigs!

The "new" song definitely kicked ass!!!!!!! Tell Brian that was a good call to resurrect it :headbang:
Yeah Devane and Theorcracy did a great job! It is always great to play with such talented bands. Hopefully one day I play a show with Theocracy and when I haven't worked all day; So I can show them some real vocals. I had a few bad notes from talking too much that day. But I had fun and I have some video so that will be cool to post. I'll put links etc, when I get a chance. Thanks again to Hoyt and James for coming out and supporting us, and anyone else I've missed.
yeah...blame was first time i saw them...and i was very impressed...and of course i am always impressed with halcyon...must nbe why i love to play gigs with them...i know i can always look forward to being entertained by at least one band on the bill if they are on it...give it time...with halcyon out there, maybe we can help resurrect ol style metal
I had a great time at the show last night. Theocracy and Halcyon Way absolutely blew me away. Unfortunately, we had to leave early so I missed about half of Halcyon Way's set and all of Devane, but what I did see was great. I really enjoyed the new Theocracy songs, too.
James said:
...mesmerized by Jon's multiple impromptu guitar solos that I just didn't notice :lol:

yes, Jon is the MASTER of impromptu guitar solos.

although I must say that Theocracy had a nice long 'guitar solo' *wink*wink*nudge*nudge* leading into one of their new songs. :kickass:


you had to be there to know what we're referring to folks. :p