Trying hard to be Attack Attack!

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A Former Somebody
Jan 6, 2011
all I hear are breakdowns in this song, palm mutes and power chords. :cry:

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This guy cannot sing, "above92" is fake and a scene fag that thinks by putting autotune on his voice that means he can sing, which you guys have probably already figured out hahahaha just saying though get rid of SCENE FAGS!
Best in 360, not 480.

I laughed.

haha, he obviously doesn't know the difference.

It sounds a bit better on the myspace...reason I point this guy out is cause since I'm looking for a guest vocalist I approached a bunch of guys including this guy. He charges $150 for doing guest vocals. I'm still debating if I should because if I have him doing something I might be able to swag off the "Scene Kid" market :p...

As lame as it sounds, I see it as a way to spread my music, not for the money but so I could get more exposure into the business.

anyone have any thoughts on this idea?
haha, he obviously doesn't know the difference.

It sounds a bit better on the myspace...reason I point this guy out is cause since I'm looking for a guest vocalist I approached a bunch of guys including this guy. He charges $150 for doing guest vocals. I'm still debating if I should because if I have him doing something I might be able to swag off the "Scene Kid" market :p...

As lame as it sounds, I see it as a way to spread my music, not for the money but so I could get more exposure into the business.

anyone have any thoughts on this idea?

If you have a kid as fucking pathetic as him in your music the only exposure you will get will be in the fucking pathetic market... Thats like having Johnny from AA to do vocals for more exposure. Well actually its worse, because you would be having a Johnny immitator doing vocals...

Don't do it man. Don't worry about exposure, just play your music and if its good and people like it then they will tell their friends etc... Don't give that kid $150.
If you have a kid as fucking pathetic as him in your music the only exposure you will get will be in the fucking pathetic market... Thats like having Johnny from AA to do vocals for more exposure. Well actually its worse, because you would be having a Johnny immitator doing vocals...

Don't do it man. Don't worry about exposure, just play your music and if its good and people like it then they will tell their friends etc... Don't give that kid $150.

hahaha thanks, I'll definitely take what you said into consideration. even though I think this guy is probably an Austin Carlile/Johnny imitator. If anyone comments him saying his screaming sounds like Austin, he replies saying "Austin is the only reason he screams" :loco:
watch 2:16 up to 2:31 or so LOLOLOL

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