Trying to poke holes in hi gain guitars :)


Oct 10, 2009
Hey guys,

Reading through the Systematic Mixing Guide, namely the guitar section right now. Attempting to filter out the junk and "reveal" the clear, good tone underneath... also before the guitars seemed to be masking much of the mix. After what I've done here, the guitars sound much clearer and more separated, but I can't tell right now if I've maybe erased too much of the body. Or should I just EQ the bass better to make that gel with the guitars more?

Basically, just tell me which of these you think sounds better- I tried to level match them.

Without subtractive EQ- Forum Mix help/Track 3 Only HP LP Guitars.mp3

With Subtractive EQ Forum Mix help/Track 3 Systematic EQd Guitars.mp3

UPDATE: Zip folder with all files for those who want to take a stab at it - Raw rhythm guitars, Bass DI, processed bass, drums Files EQ Thread Sneap
In the last two clips you posted the guitars sound a little better in the EQ'd version, still pretty honky and sounds slightly dull. Can't say I fancy that guitar tone though and the guits sound way out of tune which is a bit distracting. Work more on getting a good sound at the source and it'll be easier to mix.
Yeah I realized way after recording that I was tuning improperly , instead of tuning to where the tuner lands right after hitting the string I was tuning to where it settles. I don't know where honky lies in the frequency spectrum, though I made cuts all over the damn place. If you could tell me I'll try to cut more there. I originally had more highs in the tone but then people said it sounded scratchy, so I just can't win haha
That makes a total of 7 EQs on the guitar bus to suck all those bad frequencies out. Haha... today I learned how important EQ really is
7 EQs? Re-record them could be a good thing :)
Cannot listen to your clips now but I will.
7 EQs? Re-record them could be a good thing :)
Cannot listen to your clips now but I will.

They were reamped by Ermz, I like the sound but each one is just notching out some frequency peaks. I probably could consolidate to less eqs but I don't really care.
Hey Jay,

If you'd like to throw me a stem of your mix and rhythm guitars separately I could give it a quick shot.

Thanks for the offer dude! That would probably help me out quite a bit. I'll get back to you in a few minutes with this, I'm getting ready to head out soon
Some friendly advice: use bigger strings dude. That BAAAAOOOOOWW where the strings are out of tune and then settle makes me think you need em.
Some friendly advice: use bigger strings dude. That BAAAAOOOOOWW where the strings are out of tune and then settle makes me think you need em.

Thanks for the tip. These are what I was using


DR Strings Tite Fit Electric Round Core 12-52

What size should I use for Drop C do you think?
By the way Ermz sorry for the lateness, I had to leave out of nowhere this morning and I actually don't have the drive that the mix was on, just my laptop. I do have the rough drums that I bounced for you to reamp to though, so here is that plus the two guitars for this song- bpm is 220. Forum Mix help/Track 5 Drum and Bass Stem for Ermin.mp3 Forum Mix help/Rhythm R Reamp_05.wav Forum Mix help/Rhythm L Reamp_05.wav
I've used 10-52 for E-standard, so I would go with heavier strings. I think you're overdoing the eqing, the eq'd ones are too hollow and has harsh high mids. That's why I slightly prefer the non-eq'd ones. A slight dip in the 600hz area and a notch in the highend to try to get rid of the scratchy-ness would be my move, maybe try some saturation to get a smoother highend.
I've used 10-52 for E-standard, so I would go with heavier strings. I think you're overdoing the eqing, the eq'd ones are too hollow and has harsh high mids. That's why I slightly prefer the non-eq'd ones. A slight dip in the 600hz area and a notch in the highend to try to get rid of the scratchy-ness would be my move, maybe try some saturation to get a smoother highend.

Thanks for the advice...

For saturation, would Decapitator work? I also have trash but I don't think that has the right kind of saturation... maybe the tape setting on there? I also have that Tessla one