TSE X30 demo (New X50 2.4 update)


Jan 20, 2008
I was lucky enough to be a part of the beta team working on this awesome new update for TSE X50. I tried to cover as much tonal range as I could with different style of riffs, leads and clean tones.

The preset bank can be downloaded here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0gxcyf3t6s6nt8o/X30 DEMO PRESETS.rar?dl=0

Guitar - Music Man Silhouette with Bare Knuckle Aftermath in the birdge.

Zero post processing after X50 on any of the guitars. Everything is done within X50. Master chain had some very slight EQ boost around the 5-7k area but that's it.
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Thanks for making and posting this Chris, I think this demo is great and shows me some of the new X30's potential :)
X50 has it's own Preset Manager that works....

I just tried and compared in detail X30 with X50, gotta say X30 is my new favourite ampsim plugin! Sounds rounder, more mix-ready and tighter than X50, which in comparison is a bit fizzy and scooped with a little less detail on the low end. X50 is still awesome nonetheless! I'm super happy with the update :)