TSX X30 Thread...Post your clips here!!

Please try to make a mac version before you move onto your next project.
Obviously easier said than done but dude, you would be giving Mac deprived users something fresh that isn't limited by VST

I haven't found a legal way to do that yet ;) (and no, I won't send the sourcecode out to some strangers:lol:)

This is a song by my band... we're recording atm... so everything is quite raw and my drummix is a bunch of shit.. especially the 1000 triggererrors, the fucked up noisegates and stuff...(all my fault... :) ) but was just to record the guitars. Guitars were recorded by our other guitarfucker and me...
Both Ibz 7 Strings (uv777 + 7620) and tone is made with TSE x30 and LeCab (s-highpres)...
I hope its interesting for you to hear a song which isn't really produced by now :)

This is a song by my band... we're recording atm... so everything is quite raw and my drummix is a bunch of shit.. especially the 1000 triggererrors, the fucked up noisegates and stuff...(all my fault... :) ) but was just to record the guitars. Guitars were recorded by our other guitarfucker and me...
Both Ibz 7 Strings (uv777 + 7620) and tone is made with TSE x30 and LeCab (s-highpres)...
I hope its interesting for you to hear a song which isn't really produced by now :)

Very nice. Sounds very promising already !
This is the best blackmetal mix I've heard on this forum so far!! I'm speachless o_O

Wow! Now I'm speachless! Thank you again for your amazing amp sim Ongel. :kickass:

Sounds like you like Dimmu Borgir, but in a good way (not in a "poor rip-off" way). Nice job.

Haha. Thanks man. Actually this song was written about seven years ago. It was written for one of my previous band. I was a big Dimmu Borgir fan back in the day so I'm sure you can here a lot of it :) Just found the song the other day again decided to rerecord and change a couple of parts. Will post it when it's done!