No of course not, but I just wanted to voice my STRONG disgust in all of these "tricks" to pick up girls.

Don't get me wrong, it's great you're all sharing your uhm... tips and tricks to pick up girls but I just felt like I had to vent my disgust in all of that stuff
Carry on!
Edit: Damn it, Soultrash made it before me so my reply looks like it's for the image above haha. Well, it's to LeSedna anyway!
Well, maybe I didn't go in the same direction as the beginning of the thread. It's not about having tricks to pick up a girl or at least I'm not even thinking of it now that the original post has been answered a lot directly and that a topic raised. You know, you could say the way you approach a girl (being friend, and then trying to make her understand) is a trick to have the girl you want too, another way.
There is nothing bad trying to show mostly confidence, a rock n roll side, and trying to create desire for the girl, and nothing incompatible with deep relationship. Also, if you don't show this everyday, a relationship could stop, as a car needing carburant. It's the way it works and it's certainly not theorical, I'm just thinking of all the friends that I know and that are stil with girls, and also about the interesting relationships I had, and for everyone of them there was a point where a sparkle was lit, and for most of them it worked because a lot of things are done at the beginning of a relationship of any sort, when both discover and try to understand who is the other, and one of these things was trying to create an image for the girl, and vice versa certainly, because girls do 50% of the job (well, it depends on how we/they look, let's be honest, I know nobody saying "I never liked the way he/she looks I only like his character").
I understand your point of view and it's mine too, but it's not the only aspect of seduction/love/relationship, and idealistic things just fail most of the time. Maybe one day I don't doubt it...
Also, girls will always say (like narissa just did

) it's so nice to think only that way and be loyal to it. But most of them will never be attracted to somebody that will ONLY be that way. And I'm sure most of them aren't even aware of how much they need something else, or don't tell it !
Also, having a relation based on sex and being a dickhead-chaser is not the same. If the situation is clear on both side, it can be so good, even if only for a short time.
I mean, it's cool bro, I was the same years ago. Now I seriously think you have to take the best from everything, wether it be love, fun, sex, a mix of all or dunno what. It's just I keep my ideal : never cheat or lie, always be clear, and you'll be surprised of how many girls can like this ! I'm really happy of all that part of my life since I started to think this way. And one day a or THE girl will appear, no doubt about it.
guys like you are far and few between. and i agree with you. but, its better guys get it out when they are young i guess. before theres a girls heart to break.
Ahh, my scientific fact shows up ! I'm gonna start a thesis on this theme
EDIT : omg, girls make me write really tremendous posts.