Mat or Mateo
arv, does this really work ? I always thought this was just a trap you have not to fall into. I understand it could work because in the end they get as drunk as you and thay have to be drunk with you because you buy the drink but never thought it could work.
I think you got everything needed to bang party women. I always thought it's all about confidence, speaking more than the others, and not giving it a shit. It's only when I was drunk and playing all that that I could bang girls. That's also why I'm not a good chaser : naturally with girls, I'm more a cool guy than a banger, but this also leads to interesting relationship in the long terms. I prefer it this way.
Approach and confidence are a huge part of this. That's really how you get the one you want and not just the one paying the attention. Women like confidence. If you act like you're a badass they believe you are a badass. The key is to strike up a conversation without acting like you care much. It's also important that you don't look nervous when you approach. What's to be nervous about anyway? If they aren't into you then they won't be going home with you or hanging out with you... the same result happens if you don't go over there, so fuck it.
Just bullshit with them. Let them know you are interested but at the same time you could take them or leave them. They are used to scared guys and on the other end.. guys that are way too overbearing. Be the confident guy that isn't afraid of them, is interested, but doesn't care one way or the other and they'll be caught off guard. It's at that point they start trying harder to make you interested just because you seem to be immune to them when the other guys aren't. So in essence you turn the tables and make them try to win you over. This my friends is how you attain the unattainable.
I think you got everything needed to bang party women. I always thought it's all about confidence, speaking more than the others, and not giving it a shit. It's only when I was drunk and playing all that that I could bang girls. That's also why I'm not a good chaser : naturally with girls, I'm more a cool guy than a banger, but this also leads to interesting relationship in the long terms. I prefer it this way.