Tutorial/Video: How do record drums? ¯\(°_o)/¯

But your OH-micing looks super strange? Do you have any stereo image in it?

Also I think having a lot of drums in the OH is important to get a nice drum sound!!!. Same for Room mic(s).....

What bassdrum are you using. It sounds great with the Sennheiser!!!


You can hear the stereo image in the recording.
How's the mic'ing strange?
Why does everything have to appeal to people with no knowledge? This guy posts a video with some thoughts and ideas that makes it work for him, in very simple conditions. He didn't post it as a reply to someone asking specific questions, just some general tips. And he's not charging for it.

I think it was interesting to watch. No complaints.


I don't know the first thing about recording drums but I still found this a good video to watch. I definitely gained some knowledge on the subject.

I don't know the first thing about recording drums but I still found this a good video to watch. I definitely gained some knowledge on the subject.

I've recorded drums for 15+ years :) but I always think it's interesting to see how others do it. Sometimes I don't agree with their techniques, sometimes I pick up a thing or two. But I actually LIKE when people make videos without going into all the basics, because there's plenty of that available anyway.
I've recorded drums for 15+ years :) but I always think it's interesting to see how others do it. Sometimes I don't agree with their techniques, sometimes I pick up a thing or two. But I actually LIKE when people make videos without going into all the basics, because there's plenty of that available anyway.

Look, I agree with you. It's just the word "tutorial" that triggered my reaction.
Seemed very "expert village" to me. Plus I was all pissy.

I notice that you don't use a compressor on the kick... why ?

In this exemple, your tweeking concern a real drum, but is your approach totally different with your tweekings on a virtual drum ? or is it very similar ?

Because i notice there is a little plugs... no drum buss, no gclip, no limiter... i can't imagine you can have a in your face drum with that tweeking...
you get zero bleed in your snare. so fucking weird

You get zero snare bleed in your overheads ;p Plus I honestly think your drum sounds have well surpassed mine, even if you don't think so.


I notice that you don't use a compressor on the kick... why ?

In this exemple, your tweeking concern a real drum, but is your approach totally different with your tweekings on a virtual drum ? or is it very similar ?

Because i notice there is a little plugs... no drum buss, no gclip, no limiter... i can't imagine you can have a in your face drum with that tweeking...

No compressor on the kick because
1) its in a tunnel and it'd make it bleed too much
2) I'm consistent enough that I don't have to use one to 'fix' the performance (note I'm not playing double kicks here, and I can't anymore, but if I was I might use some slight compression)

It's definitely a little different. When I work with Slate I don't really have overheads (no idea why not.. can't wait til Deluxe fixes this up), and there's no bleed. So I can do like parallel compression and stuff. I worked with programmed drums for about a year before starting with real drums.. and the bleed is something that REALLY changes how you work. You can't be nearly as dramatic with your processing.

The processing wasn't final at all, I had nothing to mix to. Just an idea of what I would do.