TV shows


Spilled Cup of Oceansoul
Aug 13, 2007
What keeps your attention?

I don't usually have channels on my TV but I watched Heroes on while waiting for my friends to show up (yes, they were like 6 hours late XDD;; ) and that was decent.

I catch Scrubs sometimes at the gym and that is hilarious.

I AM SO IN LOVE WITH DOCTOR WHO. SOOOOOO THE LOOOOOVE. Especially the new series. I never buy TV DVDs but I had to have this one as soon as it was available.
I'm pretty into LOST. I've watched every episode that has come out so far. Waiting for the Season 4 which will be out a bit later this year. Definitely looking forward to that.

Also started watching Flight of the Concords on HBO. That's a hilarious show.

That's about all I watch currently.
As far a current network shows...nada.

I did order the first and second seasons of the ORIGINAL (not the crap live-action movie rendition) Transformers and I have been watching that.
I'm a bit like Snowy in this regard actually. I don't watch current tv. I don't really watch tv, period. But that's nothing new. There are however exceptions. I watch The Daily Show when i remember (most of the time i go "oh crap it's 11:10.. aww what's the point, the best parts are over"), and thanks to a certain someone that shall remain nameless, i've been watching a bit of the modern Doctor Who series. In fact, i just caught an episode with the 9th doctor before i posted this, as i was eating some lunch. But i used to enjoy watching Doctor Who when i was very young when Tom Baker was the Doctor, so it's sort of a renewal of interest more than something actually new.

But anyway, i usually just download the very few shows i am interested in (all of which are science fiction, predictably enough.. such as my favorite show ever, Babylon 5 (of which i've made no secret hehe)), and then pop an episode on to watch while i am eating (that or i put on an episode of the omnipresent law & order), and that is pretty much the extent of my tv watching.
i've been getting into weeds, heroes, ugly betty, lost, still watching small ville ,watching the re runs of saved by the bell,family matters,family guy,futurama,simpsons, step by step, king of the hill,southpark also been watching aquateen hungerforce,moral oral, and other aduult swim shows casue they are funny
I'm really not much of a TV person either, I have my shows that I will not miss (like wrestling, my main one), and then a couple of other shows that I enjoy watching if I remember they are on.

I'm a big sucker for the "Celebreality" shows like Surreal Life, etc. I have a strange sense of humor. Hell, I'm a sucker for "train wreck TV" as a whole...Jerry Springer, strange sh*t caught on tape...I love it! And I love my animated shows...South Park, The Simpsons, etc.

One show I've really gotten into lately is the animated show Lil' Bush. It's on right after South Park (another of my long-standing favorite shows) on Wednesday nights.
right now i basically wil watch House, Family Guy, Beavis and Butthead, Rock of Love, Inuyasha, Robot Chicken if they happen to be on when i seldom turn on the TV
I'm currently watching the episodes of Lost. I had never seen it before but had it on my HD for some time now so I thought I'd try it out. Saw the first 3 episodes yesterday and I must say it's damn good.
I AM SO IN LOVE WITH DOCTOR WHO. SOOOOOO THE LOOOOOVE. Especially the new series. I never buy TV DVDs but I had to have this one as soon as it was available.

Doctor Who :worship:
Damn the TV channels in Flanders for not showing the doctor anymore, shame on them

I try to watch Lost and pick up some South Park when possible, there's not much decent stuff on TV during the day
I really didn't start regularly watching tv until maybe 6 months ago when I quit my former job... needed something to fill the hours :p

The shows in no real order (some I don't really watch anymore but used to, some I watch only on DVD):
Star Trek (all forms)
Family Guy
Law & Order SVU
Law & Order CI
American Idol
King of the Hill
Extreme Home Makeover
Robot Chicken
Shin-Chan (the redone adult-oriented version)
Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy
Spongebob Squarepants
Animal Cops-type shows
Yo Gabba Gabba
Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List
The Real Housewives of Orange County
Platinum Weddings
Camp Lazlo
Scooby Doo
and a whole other bunch of stuff on Cartoon Network is watchable to me. I like having cartooney noise on in the background when I'm computering.
You know I'm not really a TV watcher but occasionally I'll watch someting. The other day I watched 'The Tudors' all about the young Henry VIII starring Jonathan Rhys-Meyers which wasn't that bad. I'll have to try to catch up with the rest of it on DVD. I also like 'Spooks' when I can watch it, America's next top model 'cos it's so shallow and tacky, and 'Hustle'.
I'm doing these:

Bionic Woman
The Unit
Stargate: Atlantis
Law & Order
Law & Order SVU
The 4400 (not sure if there'll be another season)
Battlestar Galactica
I work 2nd shift so whatever I watch I usually download or is from DVD :) My main vices are...

Rescue Me
The Shield
Prison Break

And just recently I've been consumed by a Showtime series called Dexter, about a serial killer who works as a Miami PD blood analyst, and he channels his homocidal urges into killing horrible people that slip through the justice system...really well-done.
Don't really watch much TV because I can't ever manage to get to the TV at the same time every week and then I am too lazy to watch anything online, but the shows I do catch on occasion are

LA Ink
What Not to Wear (because it is way funny)
Melusina, is that the 'What not to wear ' with the awful Trinny and Sussanah? Don't tell me you get that too? I've already told my family if they ever try and get me on that show I will officially disown them. Just because they don't like my band T-shirts doesn't mean I'm going to be bullied into giving them up by a pair of deranged Sloanes with a tit fetish!

Dexter sounds good. Yet another one for the DVD pile.....
Melusina, is that the 'What not to wear ' with the awful Trinny and Sussanah? Don't tell me you get that too? I've already told my family if they ever try and get me on that show I will officially disown them. Just because they don't like my band T-shirts doesn't mean I'm going to be bullied into giving them up by a pair of deranged Sloanes with a tit fetish!

No not the same show, they sound like they may have a similar purpose, what not to wear the hosts Stacy and Clinton take a person clean out their wardrobe and then give them $5,000 to spend in NYC personally I would love to be on the show, but then again everyone's jaw usually drops when I tell them that I listen to metal what can I say I love to shop :p
I now have all 10 seasons of South Park on DVD. I have totally become addicted to that show all over again. It's amazing how relevant the show has stayed over it's run and as long as Trey & Matt keep on top of current will never get old!

I'm also glad they don't kill Kenny all the time anymore...that got old!