

May 31, 2002
Arlington, Virginia
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Finally got around to watch this movie.
After reading the book and hating it so much (seriously, one of the worst books I have ever read in the 'genre' )
I was amazed to discover the movie sucked a whole lot more than I already expected it to. What a piece of shit movie.

Someone needs to pay me back for those lost 2 hours...
Yeah Anna said the same thing. She said that the book wasn't the greatest thing she's ever read or anything, but the movie was literally a dumbed-down, short-attention span flick for tweens. She said that there was a whole bunch of stuff left out of the movie that was replaced by gayness.
I saw the second one because two friends kept bothering me about seeing it (I work at a theater so I can get free tickets). As a result of having to sit through that shitfest they now owe me two kegs on my birthday. I still think I got the short end of the stick.
I saw the first one when a bunch of friends were watching it an Uni... I was drinking the whole way through but I seem to remember that the movie essentially didn't have a story.

Boy meets Girl.

Boy and Girl play baseball.

Other vampires turn up out of nowhere for no apparent reason.

Wind blows.

Pony tail vampire smells girl.

Pony tail vampire chases girl.

Pony tail vampire gets killed by other vampires.

Boy leaves girls because he's a dick and so then the second movie can have it's first half of irrellevent "depressed" bullshit.
While the story itself and most other elements with that movie were pretty horrendous, badly cut, and just badly made in general for movie standards, it did get one thing right. And that's the chemistry between the two main characters, which was pretty amazing.

I won't go as far as to say that it saved the movie because it absolutely didn't, but at least it got one thing right :)
I can't believe people that are over the age of 15 actually watched this movie, isn't this the horrible teen girl movie that prompted this new freaky obsession with falling in love with vampires and how awesome vampires are? this fad really confuses me.
I won't go as far as to say that it saved the movie because it absolutely didn't, but at least it got one thing right :)

What??? That part was horrible! What chemistry????
"look at me, Im a human that smells great and this fag Duran-Duran hair style vamp is into me, and I am in love with him after like...2 days yada yada yada..."

I can't believe people that are over the age of 15 actually watched this movie, isn't this the horrible teen girl movie that prompted this new freaky obsession with falling in love with vampires and how awesome vampires are? this fad really confuses me.

Yes. It's sad that I actually wasted two hours of my life to watch this.
Fun in a kitsch sorta way.

Awful pieces of literature, though.

It's like The Da Vinci Code. Remember what I said about the fact that the worst media always succeeds while the better falls to the wayside?

People were reading the Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons and all of a sudden everyone's an expert on theology, art history, and the Italian Renaissance...right from their trailer park in Ohio. All you have to do is appeal to the lowest common denominator and you'll win every time.
I'm not defending Twilight or anything, but seriously, there's thousands of worse movies out there. Theres at least 5 worse movies playing at any given time.

Want to see something truly unwatchable? Louis CK-s "Pootytang".

"That doesn't count Det Som, that's for black people."

Any of the American Pie knock offs. Not Another Teen Movie and all of that bullshit. Those are movies that literally can't sit through. Twilight is just a little girls movie, they're fun for what they are.
That's an all round good movie, though. She's also good in Into The Wild, so I'd say she has some chops. Even she looks bored in the Bella role, though.
This thread needs more zombies.

I don't think that the "douche commercial" factor of Twilight has anything to do with the actors or the acting; I blame the direction.

However, the leader of the vampires, the blonde father guy...wasn't he in one of the American Pie/Not Another Teen Movie bullshit films? His role is really the only one I had a problem with.

Hey John, spot-on with your analysis. Twilight is a pretty dumb movie but I think we think in terms of vampire films, which we tend to hold to a higher standard and therefore it gets shit on. But seriously, all those Teen Movie/American Pie/Epic Movie/Disaster Movie "films" are completely idiotic and I think are a direct contribution to the dumbing down of humor in this day and age. I could watch Twilight-esque films all day before I sat through a single minute of that other bullshit.

Oh, and let's not forget the utter shitfest masterpieces like Independence Day and 2012...there are way, way, WAY worse films than Twilight in contemporary cinema.
What??? That part was horrible! What chemistry????
"look at me, Im a human that smells great and this fag Duran-Duran hair style vamp is into me, and I am in love with him after like...2 days yada yada yada..."

I meant the actor chemistry, not the characters :ill: Neither of the actors are really bad per se really, and afaik at least the actor that played the guy thought the character was pretty horrible himself.