two ulver video's you must see

Zephyrus said:
That first video freaked me out. The second one I've seen before.
Oh, that video includes work of the painter HR Giger. I've loved his work from the first time I saw it in the late 70s. He's inspierd lots of people. Just look at the movies Alien and Species and you'll see what I mean. :)
ulver is on such another level of musicality and creativity than any other band to come from the scandanavian metal scene. or maybe any metal scene. i know ive said it before, but ill continue to say it until im blue in the face.
For the first couple of listens I was quite impressed with Blood Inside but imo the album gets a lot weaker towards the end. However, I really do like the band. Bergtatt would be my fav. release followed by Perdition City.

The 2nd video was pretty cool.
whoever combined the h r giger paintings with blinded by blood did a good job.

after a whole year i am still struggling to like blood inside.