two very short clips, which is better to listen to?

You need a snare! You could do a ton of black metal with just a ride, a good kick like that, and a good snare, lol. I like the second one too.

I agree with everyone else, the second one sounds better. The pulsing is called 'gain pumping', it's caused by the compression - when the bass drum peaks, it's so loud that everything else is being reduced in volume to compensate for it. On the first track it's really noticable, on the second not so much but it's still there.

I think I'm right in saying that it probably means that the compressor on your final mix has it's attack and release times set too fast, though I may have just completely made that up...

Yeah it is pumping big time.....though the second one is a little bit better it still has way to much compression/limiting going on....