Type O Negative


Jun 26, 2006
So I got really big into these guys a couple of years ago, around this time. For some reason I kind of got really huge into them going into the summer and then have only really listened to a track here or there until just about a week ago, and I've been binging on them ever since. Peter Steele is so awesome, my favourite albums would have to be October Rust and Dead Again, but its all brilliant. Favourite songs, Christian Woman, Tripping a Blind Man, Love You To Death.

I actually had a question for DG though. I know you're a huge Type O fan, and I just realized how the last song of Life Is Killing Me is called "The Dream is Dead". For some reason I never got to the end of this album, its a brilliant song, but indeed the last words of the album are "...the dream is dead"... similar to another album I believe you had a hand in making, no? :p Just curious if that was a direct influence/reference to Type O, I have actually been having a big argument with a buddy on whether or not references to other songs are cool (after I used the main theme of Foreverdark Woods by Bathory at the end of one of my songs). Anyway, just thought I'd ask, I happen to think its awesome! :rock:

Now playing: Type O Negative - Creepy Green Light
via FoxyTunes
Yes, I am a Type O Negative fanboy.
"The Dream is Dead"
This was a coincidence, and not meant as a tribute or anything. I think I remember noticing the sameness of our titles sometime after "Woods 3" came out. The likely-hood of the use of the same idea such as this one, about dead dreams, between metal bands, is pretty reasonable. I once had that album (LIKM), but sold it somewhere along the way when I was hard up for cash. I'm terrible for knowing hardly any song titles at all, even from most of my favourite albums. I think it's because I do most of my listening while driving, when the CD cases are lying on the floor of the back seat, and I never look at them.
"The Dream is Dead"
For me, those words meant that the 'original' dream was dead, because certain things hadn't worked out the way I had initially hoped for, but also acknowledging that the dream was, just a dream. Like most old dreams, they die hard, and you carry on.
"The Dream is Dead"
I also remember searching through the metal CD bunks at Sonic Boom in Toronto and finding 2-3 CDs by a metal band NAMED "The Dream is Dead". Frig, if that's what you choose to NAME your BAND... :ill:

Type O Rules!!!

I love this one, for all sorts of reasons:


P.S. - references to songs in OTHER songs, IMO = awesome! :)
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^ Awesome! Thanks for the reply. I knew the meaning behind your usage in the song, and how it was the sort of gravestone on the album and the "dream" (hence it being the last song on the album), was just curious if that was a coincidence or not.

And I'm glad you like references to other songs! Baha. I have this 8 minute song that sort of weaves the heavy and acoustic, and then builds to a final climax in which I use the Foreverdark Woods folk line for part of it, I think it sounds awesome. So if you say its cool, its good enough for me :p

Edit: ^ Hey DG, is that perhaps cause 1) its an awesome song 2) you had that drunken convo with the dude in Korea, saying how Type O are from Finland, and how his friend's neighbour is Peter Steele's sister or something? I forget the exact details, but I remember seeing the video you posted of that, and it was absolutely hilarious.
2) you had that drunken convo with the dude in Korea, saying how Type O are from Finland, and how his friend's neighbour is Peter Steele's sister or something? I forget the exact details, but I remember seeing the video you posted of that, and it was absolutely hilarious.

Haha! That is a favoutite clip of mine. Even funnier to me (btw - I filmed a TON of equally ridiculous drunken metal abuse videos while in Finland, which I still need to find the time to edit), I have a clip from a house party full of drunken metalheads in Finland where my friend Tuomas turns to my camera and says "You know what?" (everyone goes silent to listen...) "Type O Negative is from Finland." :cool:
easily my favorite band since word coming down came out. they are constantly changing and no two albums are the same minus origin of the feces and slow deep and hard. plus theres that signature type o tone and slow downs that just make me want to die, in a good way.
i do like them a lot, but music really affects my mood and my mood depends on what music i listen to. I have been trying to avoid the more depressing music lately due to really hard times. When i am in the mood they are a wonderful band and i think Peter Steele is an amazing vocalist.