U.S. Tour???

Why must it be a camel? Why not a Llama or a Yak?

Perhaps even a headbanging Platypus with corpse paint? Or a heavy metal buffalo?

Not that I'm suggesting a buffalo that likes heavy metal, but rather a buffalo made out of metal. A life size buffalo made out of solid metal would be a very heavy, metal buffalo.
Seriously, what's stopping them from doing a small U.S. tour? It is impossible for them to make the trip pay for itself and a little more?

There has to be enough metalheads in NYC and Chicago to make it worth it.

Work schedules, school schedules, travel, family, the exchange rate between the Mighty Kroner and the Puny Dollar, and - last but certainly not least - visas. The US Government seem to like to royally screw over Swedish metal musicians lately; visa issues have prevented Marduk, Shining, Hypocrisy, and First Aid Kit (OK, not metal - but still Swedish) from touring lately. Which may not affect all the Borkys, but might throw a wrench in Mr. V's plans.
I just wanted to say that we do talk about coming to the US ALOT, now especially with me in the band, more than less, I always talk to the guys about it. We just all have other things going on in our lives that kinda prohibit us from touring alot in general, let alone the states. Im recording for 15 different bands at the moment, plus I do drum clinics. The other guys all have full time jobs, family and live scattered all over Norway and Sweeden. We dont just get together on Tuesdays and Thursdays for practice ya know? I wish it was that easy.

What I can say is that we have actually taken steps in trying to set something up for the US. We have hired a US booking agent and talked ideas. The other thing is too that the economy sucks ass here in the states.

All I can say is that the states are being worked on and I can fucking assure you all that if it KILLS me, we will come to the states sometime....I just dont exactly when that will be.
I just wanted to say that we do talk about coming to the US ALOT, now especially with me in the band, more than less, I always talk to the guys about it. We just all have other things going on in our lives that kinda prohibit us from touring alot in general, let alone the states. Im recording for 15 different bands at the moment, plus I do drum clinics. The other guys all have full time jobs, family and live scattered all over Norway and Sweeden. We dont just get together on Tuesdays and Thursdays for practice ya know? I wish it was that easy.

What I can say is that we have actually taken steps in trying to set something up for the US. We have hired a US booking agent and talked ideas. The other thing is too that the economy sucks ass here in the states.

All I can say is that the states are being worked on and I can fucking assure you all that if it KILLS me, we will come to the states sometime....I just dont exactly when that will be.

YEAH!!!! That'd be great!!! :rock: Heck might as well make a Latin-American tour hehehe.
I just wanted to say that we do talk about coming to the US ALOT, now especially with me in the band, more than less, I always talk to the guys about it. We just all have other things going on in our lives that kinda prohibit us from touring alot in general, let alone the states. Im recording for 15 different bands at the moment, plus I do drum clinics. The other guys all have full time jobs, family and live scattered all over Norway and Sweeden. We dont just get together on Tuesdays and Thursdays for practice ya know? I wish it was that easy.

What I can say is that we have actually taken steps in trying to set something up for the US. We have hired a US booking agent and talked ideas. The other thing is too that the economy sucks ass here in the states.

All I can say is that the states are being worked on and I can fucking assure you all that if it KILLS me, we will come to the states sometime....I just dont exactly when that will be.

Chicagoooooooooooo and New Yoooooooooooooooooooork!!!!!!!!!!!
I just wanted to say that we do talk about coming to the US ALOT, now especially with me in the band, more than less, I always talk to the guys about it. We just all have other things going on in our lives that kinda prohibit us from touring alot in general, let alone the states. Im recording for 15 different bands at the moment, plus I do drum clinics. The other guys all have full time jobs, family and live scattered all over Norway and Sweeden. We dont just get together on Tuesdays and Thursdays for practice ya know? I wish it was that easy.

What I can say is that we have actually taken steps in trying to set something up for the US. We have hired a US booking agent and talked ideas. The other thing is too that the economy sucks ass here in the states.

All I can say is that the states are being worked on and I can fucking assure you all that if it KILLS me, we will come to the states sometime....I just dont exactly when that will be.

why don't you start to think to come also to southern europe????
it's pretty nearer that USA :lol:
Well, first we have to wait for the Icelandic volcano to settle down...and hope the Washington State ones don't start to act up!