Just wanted to say quickly mesa show was way better than the tucson show over all for the fact that the audio would spike a bit, and the crowd was so FUCKING LAME. Ill post back a full review tomorrow, just relaxing tonight just got home from az. Also, thanks for mentioning the meet up at the show. I see meeting a forum friend isnt worth mentioning :p.
I never said anything on being cheap. And I understand the support statement. They do deserve everything and more for the hard work they put into their music, but there are other ways of supporting the band besides a vip ticket. I see these guys as human beings...I'm a huge fan, but I pay to see a show...I think meeting your favorite band should just happen, if it doesn't, then better luck next time, right? I guess we just have different views on this is all.

If you want to support your favorite band..buy them Jager....at least thats what I did :heh:

or if you really want to support them....give them cash





That venue was a shit hole. They had no cool lighting for Katatonia, but they did for the local bands, they sounded alright though. It was pretty small though, but I kinda like it cause you where so close to the band.

Onthe statement of VIP tickets I think it paid off because in a sea of hands he handed me a pic I think because he saw my VIP pass around my neck, not sure but either way I was pretty happy to get handed a pic rather then try to catch it. :)
Agreed, but have you ever been to the Mason Jar while it was still putting on shows? What a piss hole...There's a place in downtown tempe that has a long floor, but has beams everywhere, right in front of the stage...you can't see shit, and the stage is small as hell...only the drummer and singer could fit on it.
Nah I haven't been there, another pisshole in az is the chaser in scottsdale. When I played there for my first gig I wondered how a 5 person band would litterally fit on stage.
Austin show was brilliant - easily the best Katatonia set of the three that I've seen and, according to the band's post on Facebook, the loudest and most enthusiastic crowd of the tour so far. The session bassist Niklas is by far the nicest touring musician I've ever met. He not only hung out with my bandmates and I long after the bar had closed but even helped load some of our gear.
The Atlanta show was awesome last night... My friend and I bought the Meet & Greet tix and were dissapointed when we arrived early as instructed and nothing was going on. Instead of seeing Katatonia's sound check, we had the displeasure of sitting through a band of 14 year old kids for half an hour. So much for arriving early....

It wasn't till after the show that they did all the meet & greet shit, which ended up being pretty awesome. Sodomizer was super nice... we talked about sandwiches and shit. All in all it was a great night (not to mention it was my birthday)
i went to the ATL show too, i didnt see the kids play but i did saw the middle aged band play they were pretty coo. Orphaned land was better then i thought they were gonna be. Who were you? i was the blk guy with the fro

but rlly a pit at a kata show?
The session bassist Niklas is by far the nicest touring musician I've ever met. He not only hung out with my bandmates and I long after the bar had closed but even helped load some of our gear.

Agreed. He was incredibly kind. Daniel, also.