u think cob are overrated?


  • y

    Votes: 38 29.2%
  • n

    Votes: 92 70.8%

  • Total voters
^i never found cob a favorite band worthy, they have some cool songs but i always just get tired of them too fast, and they're all way too similar to each other.
haha yeah, when i created this poll i wanted to check if i can get a 10:1 ratio:lol:
anyway i think they are a bit overrated, compared to bands like dt that just do better melodic death but are far less worshipped

Quite true, but that depends on luck more than anything else, and it's not like CoB are worshipped anyway, they are just beginning to be recognized. Then also, they don't really play the conventional "melodic death metal". So they earned a lot of their fame with skill and originality, and, of course, luck.

Definitely, imo, bands like Illnath deserve recognition as well, but it's not like CoB take up too much space or something :lol:

So true, though the problem with GH and Bodom is that Guitar Hero is supposed to be suitable for the smallest of children, so every bad word is bleeped, and many of teh songs are cut and/or edited to fit the game. Now imagine a shorter version of In Your Face wit hevery "Fuck" bleeped.. oh wait... We already have one... The censored music video..:lol: Oh well, I guess they could take bodom in then:p
^If they cut the hard parts it'll suck, if they leave it there it'll rock. And I don't think they'll cut anythign. Why should they when they left the whoe Studioforce song on there?

Well, since their sound got very different the last 6 years they got more fans and IMO alexi's playing has always gtten worse from that point. The new songs aren't that hard to play than for example the hatebreeder ones...Changes happen, but i need to say that i still like the new bodom style even though it's different.
lol. plz try to play LoBodomy or Done with everything. The Hatebreeder songs aren't that hard.

= There you go. The instructional wasn't the best neither it was CRY show, but the Namm thing was flawless.

if cob play what I like they are not overrated, but now they are overrated

That's basically what you meant, so GTFO. Blooddrunk isn't worse than Follow The Reaper (and by any means are any of them bad), it's just that you don't like it. Opinions is the word you're looking for.

It's all a matter of opinion. :)


And Nick wins!

Chidren Of Bodom NO!, but Alexi Laiho its a little overated, because lots of people have said: "Alexi Laiho is the best guitarist of the Wordl", but its not true. There are lots of better gitarist then Alexi.. like Malmstein, Petruci etc...

Although I'm a total Alexi Laiho fanboi I agree 100% with you on that. Well, not 100%, he's better than Malmsteen, but that might be to my eyes because I hate Yngwie so much :lol:
Well, since their sound got very different the last 6 years they got more fans and IMO alexi's playing has always gtten worse from that point. The new songs aren't that hard to play than for example the hatebreeder ones...Changes happen, but i need to say that i still like the new bodom style even though it's different.

Omg... Blooddrunk riffs are really technical. You have to watch out for the string skips in Roadkill Morning or DWE, DFN.
You gotta be fucking kidding me... What the fuck has Alexi's guitar skills to do with this? The poll was about Children of Bodom, THE BAND. The only thing you guys are talking about is whether Alexi's playing have improved or decreased. Who gives a shit if Hatebreeder is easier to play than Blooddrunk? It sounds better and that's what fucking counts. I'm seriously beggining to believe that all the so called "CoB fans" here are all ZOMGAleksi fanbois who only care about one thing and that is Mr. Laiho's solo performance. Children of Bodom is a five-man band and they are all equally part of the music so for once try to see them as a band and not as Alexi and his 4 background musicians. Geez...

Btw, why do you think the simple 3 chord song 'Breaking the Law' kicks the shit out of everything that arrogant prick Yngwie Malmsteen ever created? It's music, not the fucking Olympic Games...
I hate both Breaking The Law and Yngwie, so... anyway the term better in music is sooooooooooooooo a matter of tastes, so I wouldn't say ''Hatebreeder sounds better than Blooddrunk''. I'd swap sounds with ''I like more''.
This thread is stupid because you can't ask something that's matter of perspective. Another thing that's annoying me is people now stand up to say Alexi is NOT that good a guitarist - fucking hell I thought his reputation came from wrtiting the songs more than being unbeatable in shredding. There's maybe 50 as good guitarists out there, but they can't do the songs.
This thread is stupid because you can't ask something that's matter of perspective. Another thing that's annoying me is people now stand up to say Alexi is NOT that good a guitarist - fucking hell I thought his reputation came from wrtiting the songs more than being unbeatable in shredding. There's maybe 50 as good guitarists out there, but they can't do the songs.

I agree 100%.
What I was referring to is that Alexi is an extremely great guitarist, and IMO is not overrated. I brought up GH because it made sense as to how Shitforce became popular, 13 year old kids who as a majority know nothing about music, if very little. Herman Li CANNOT play, moving his hands at light speed across the guitar does not make him cool, therefore making Dragonforce, and him especially, mega overrated. Alexi has talent, a lot of it, there's no hiding that at all. It's just the fanbois who can't accept there ARE other guitarists out there. COB as a whole isn't overrated at all. :)
This thread is stupid because you can't ask something that's matter of perspective. Another thing that's annoying me is people now stand up to say Alexi is NOT that good a guitarist - fucking hell I thought his reputation came from wrtiting the songs more than being unbeatable in shredding. There's maybe 50 as good guitarists out there, but they can't do the songs.

That's why it's a fcking poll to see how the opinion breaks up; who the hell cares what you think about the thread, you voted and fullfilled your purpose :lol:

So true, though the problem with GH and Bodom is that Guitar Hero is supposed to be suitable for the smallest of children, so every bad word is bleeped, and many of teh songs are cut and/or edited to fit the game. Now imagine a shorter version of In Your Face wit hevery "Fuck" bleeped.. oh wait... We already have one... The censored music video..:lol: Oh well, I guess they could take bodom in then:p

I dunno, they could replace it with some other 4-letter words, or edite the lyrics in some other way, like make it an emo song:

"I don't have a flying kite, and I'm crying" or sth, def. popular on GH :lol: :lol: :lol:

''I don't have a flying kite and I'm crying'' for ''I don't give a flying fuck motherfucker''? :lol: That'd definitely be funny.

This thread is stupid because you can't ask something that's matter of perspective. Another thing that's annoying me is people now stand up to say Alexi is NOT that good a guitarist - fucking hell I thought his reputation came from wrtiting the songs more than being unbeatable in shredding. There's maybe 50 as good guitarists out there, but they can't do the songs.

Nah, it's just that now people thinks it's cool to bash Alexi (which BTW is not cool, it just looks people look like dumbasses bashing someone for something he's not, because Alexi is anything but a bad player).