^i pretty much like every other "melodic death" band i know better than cob... in flames (until reroute), amon amarth (even though they are repetitive as fuck, too), dt, arch enemy......................................................................................................................................what i mean is that too many of COB's songs sound the same
edit: even though arch enemies vocals with gossow suck pretty much major black afro american tool... i liked liiva much better, talking about liiva his one-album band nonexist was pretty much cooler than cob as well.. oh and alexi's vocals arent too great either
Well, just to point out, CoB are
not a "melodic death" band anyway, they never claimed to be, nor do they sound like one.

And if you like MDM bands better than CoB it pretty much means that you like one style over another and let's not start a style argument here :hotjump:
CoB gets repetitive sometimes, but, I mean, c'mon, what popular band isn't

Unless it's DF with every solo sounding exactly same as the previous one, it's called
style, not repetitiveness.
And look what you're comparing to. In Flames until Reroute? You can't just shave off a good third of the albums they ever released... And they get very repetitive nevertheless, I'd raise the percentage to 70% =)) DT are repetitive more so than CoB, at least until they changed their style from neoclassical to techno. "Repetitiveness" is another useless argument, I mean Vivaldi is hella repetative, he reuses sequences of scales and arpeggios all the time, so what
And, above all, it's not like all that means that they're overrated. I think you're missing the point. Like, Britney Spears or Limp Bizkit are heavily overrated. Rammstein is a little overrated (although they did work hard fortheir fame). If CoB wanted, they could be overrated too, but they suck at promotion XD