UEFA EURO 2004 Fantasy Football

I cant watch it cos Im in work.. Im not that arsed anyway as long as no one tells me the score before I get home and watch it myself. Which is severely unlikely to happen I just wanna see whether he plays Rooney again and see whether he gets his arse into it.
Damn ... This Russian anthem reminded me of 'Go West', the melody is almost the same !

Some bets :

Russia : 2 Portugal : 2
England : 2 Switzerland : 0
France : 3 Croatia : 1
I hope Portugal go through actually to the next round its a shame is they host and cant even make it past the group stages.

I reckon 2 0 for England and Switzerland aswel. Switzerland might score 1 but I doubt it with the performance of our defence recently.
is right liad Carragher, the Huyton 'ammer and Owen bangin dem away like.
Kewell and Smicer should be in the England team as well lad, and Dudek. Eriksons a nobhead la. Anti scouser and that like
bleed_black_orchid said:
I hope Portugal go through actually to the next round its a shame is they host and cant even make it past the group stages.

I reckon 2 0 for England and Switzerland aswel. Switzerland might score 1 but I doubt it with the performance of our defence recently.

well, i haven't seen the greece match today, but i must say that i would be glad to see them in the final round. Portugal didn't convince me, although they won tonight, but somehow they needed to do more after the Russians (wrongly imo) their keeper.

Anyway, my bets for tomorrow:

England - Swiss:3-1
France - Croatia: 1-1
Allan said:
That'a it, I've lost all respect for Totti, ban him the hell out of the Euro. He spat at Poulsen 4 times during the match.
yeah, what a shame! I quite of liked him before, but he is throwing his image away easily with this. I reckon he'll be banned for some games.
the italians are gonna have a really bad time in the tournament, remember that. all these fancy haircuts, wtf, is this footy or some top model competition? they're gonna suffer against the sweds.

the portugese didnt impress me either today. i think the spanish will beat them on sunday.

england - swiss 2-0
france - croatia 3-0
bleed_black_orchid said:
I hope Portugal go through actually to the next round its a shame is they host and cant even make it past the group stages.
ah dont worry, UEFA and FIFA have a knack of seeing that host nations stay in, even if it means sending off goalkeepers for fouls that never happened :ill:

Anyone see that portugese twat rolling around like he'd been shot when the russian kicked the ball at him?? what a toerag, its all that shit that has turned soccer into puffball, just for that i hope the spainish hammer 'em :kickass:
it was handballing guyz, he was rightfully send off. he touched it, very very softly, but he did.

concerning the other incident, yeah, that happens everywhere these days, everyone trying to get the most. fake penalty drops, or "punches" that are merely slaps, remember rivaldo with turkey in japan? that was very very shameful i reckon. :rolleyes:
I reckon Greece and Spain deserve to reach the final round, Portugal showed nothing but extreme clumsiness and they can consider themselves very lucky with the Russian goalkeeper being sent off. He obviously didn't deserve a red card.
Go England and France now.
yeah the keeper used his hands and it was a correct decision. i dont know but id like to see portugal in the next stage. Players like Figo or Ronaldo make it fun to watch the games.
best said:
yeah the keeper used his hands and it was a correct decision.

I've seen replays from 3 different angles and he didn't seem to use his hands on any of these. The ball just hit the bottom of his shoulder involuntarily from what I've seen but anyway...

Gerrard eyes Chelsea deal as Benitez takes helm
By Alan Nixon and Tim Rich
17 June 2004

It was the hardest beginning that any manager could have wanted. On the day Rafael Benitez took over at Anfield, Steven Gerrard gave his clearest indication he wished to take his leave of Liverpool.

It emerged yesterday that the Liverpool captain, for whom Chelsea are prepared to bid more than £30m, has a "gentleman's agreement" with the club's chief executive, Rick Parry, that would allow him to leave if the club did not show "significant improvement" last season. Liverpool's progress from fifth to fourth was not sufficient to keep Gérard Houllier his job as manager and it is apparently not enough for Gerrard.

Parry offered the agreement to the England midfielder as an inducement to sign a new contract last season which guaranteed he would not leave Anfield as a free agent next year. Gerrard now wants permission to speak with Chelsea's chief executive, Peter Kenyon, who could triple his Liverpool salary.

June 17, 2004

Doubts over Gerrard's future cloud start of Benítez era at Anfield
By Neil Johnston

RAFAEL BENÍTEZ, the new Liverpool manager, was last night facing his first serious crisis within hours of taking office at the club as fears increased that Steven Gerrard is on his way out of Anfield. The ink had hardly dried on the Spaniard’s five-year contract when Rick Parry, the chief executive, suggested for the first time that Gerrard may have made his last appearance for his home-town club.

Gerrard is at the top of Chelsea’s wish list, although Liverpool were hoping that a change of manager would convince him to stay. That does not appear to be the case, with Parry revealing that the club captain was “down and unhappy” when they spoke before the player flew to Portugal with England for Euro 2004.

The suggestions that Liverpool may not be able to hold on to him overshadowed the arrival of Benítez, the former Valencia coach. “The next priority is for me and Rafa to try and persuade Stevie that his future is at this club,” Parry said. “I spoke to him three weeks ago and it was clear that he was not happy. He was down and wants success. We will do everything we can to persuade him that his future lies here, but we are not complacent.”

Liverpool chief executive Rick Parry has admitted that skipper Steven Gerrard is not happy at the club.

Chelsea want to sign the inspirational midfielder this summer and are reportedly preparing to open the bidding at around £30million in hard cash. Anfield officials know that they have a fight on their hands to retain Gerrard and Parry is doing his best to assure fans that he will do all he can to keep him at the club.

"I spoke to him three weeks ago and it was clear that he was not happy. He was down and he wants success. His feelings were fairly deep-seated and they were not expressed idly," said Parry.

"We will do everything we can to persuade him that his future lies here, but we are not complacent. Hopefully the appointment of Rafa Benitez as our new manager will swing things our way with Stevie.

"Realistically, players have to be happy and we can't force anybody to stay at the club against their wishes, but there is no way that we want to sell him and we sincerely hope that he stays.

"It isn't about money with Stevie. Medals are important to him and he told me that he doesn't want to be here at 35 having not won anything. Finishing fourth in the Premiership is not an achievement in his eyes, but we are with him on that.

"You can't knock his ambition, but hopefully medals won with Liverpool will mean more to him that medals won anywhere else."

Although it is obviously a worry that Gerrard could leave, what is even more worrying is that Chelsea are unlikely to start offering silly money if they feel they won't have to put up much of a fight to land him.

The alarm bells are now sounding.
As for that red card for the goalkeeper (not that I actually give a fuck, but here goes). Look at the spin on the ball, it isn't interrupted at all when it supposedly touched the gk, but nevermind that, can't blame anyone for not noticing that, the real scandal is that it was in no way intentional and did NOT take away a 100% chance, that had already been donee with the initial legal tackle, the Portueguese player was already a few metres away when there could be a question of handball, referee should've picked up on that, and at most given him a yellow for unintentional hand ball, which would have been harsh anyways.