UK Tour


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
Just under a month now until the UK tour.....needless to say we are all very much looking forward to this and to seeing as many of you as possible in London, Derby, Manchester and Glasgow.

We will be descending on Derby tomorrow night ready for a weekend of rehearsals where we will be putting the set through the mill to see how it all works.

Another Podcast may be on the cards too!:Smokin:
Looking forward to playing in my home town next month guys. Will be the first time I have performed in Glasgow.

Looking forward to all the other shows too of course, but there is something special about playing in the city of your birth.

PodQuest will be an extra added bit of fun for us this weekend. We've all been dying to get involved on that front. I reckon I can impersonate Chity and nobody would ever guess he wasn't there......apart from the fact I've just announced that.....DOH! :devil:
Looking forward to playing in my home town next month guys. Will be the first time I have performed in Glasgow.

Looking forward to all the other shows too of course, but there is something special about playing in the city of your birth.

PodQuest will be an extra added bit of fun for us this weekend. We've all been dying to get involved on that front. I reckon I can impersonate Chity and nobody would ever guess he wasn't there......apart from the fact I've just announced that.....DOH! :devil:

Hahaha, do it Paul! That'd be hilarious :lol:
Looking forward to playing in my home town next month guys. Will be the first time I have performed in Glasgow.

Looking forward to all the other shows too of course, but there is something special about playing in the city of your birth.

PodQuest will be an extra added bit of fun for us this weekend. We've all been dying to get involved on that front. I reckon I can impersonate Chity and nobody would ever guess he wasn't there......apart from the fact I've just announced that.....DOH! :devil:


So long as there are no more...."Check out the PQ website at powerquest" hahahaha!
A bit of a derail here, but are you still working on that special show at the end of the year, Steve? I'm sure we're all looking forward to news on that front, if it comes to fruition!
A bit of a derail here, but are you still working on that special show at the end of the year, Steve? I'm sure we're all looking forward to news on that front, if it comes to fruition!

It's kind of gone on the back burner for the moment dude, mainly as I don't want to detract from the current line up and the new album to be honest. It's still in my minds eye though!
At the moment as rehearsals are focusing on live shows....we rehearse the instrumentation of the songs, and work on the backing vocal arrangements for the songs too. As we now have 3 people singing backing can get a little complex in that department.

When we are not touring, rehearsals tend to be more about working on new material and stuff like that
At the moment as rehearsals are focusing on live shows....we rehearse the instrumentation of the songs, and work on the backing vocal arrangements for the songs too. As we now have 3 people singing backing can get a little complex in that department.

When we are not touring, rehearsals tend to be more about working on new material and stuff like that

You all mess about, really :heh: You rebels.