Ultimate Information Thread

Hates: Corpse paint, attention seekers, religious preachers, george w bush, tony blair, vegetables, punk, bmw drivers, the french (me being english an all:P), nu-metal, power metal, lesbians, kerrang, psuedo-intellectuals, psuedo-goths, me for making this post, emo and various other things....
Nodveidt was a tiny little Swedish elf that deserved to be killed. Too bad the justice system is fucked up enough to let him have a few burgers and watch movies in jail and then it's out again.

oh and now we're on the hate subject this is what i hate:...Vegans, saloon communists, Nazies, Racists, Feminists, dope, being out of snus, Swedish mentality, and a comformist attitude, the mainstream and so on.
christcrusher said:
Favorite bands: *Embraced*
Embraced? :hotjump:

I don't think that I've heard anyone meantion them ever!
Amorous Anathema is a great album! Within is good too!

sentience_withers said:
I'm no ex-convict, I'm not australian, just living here.. and anyway, some convicts do rule. Like Faust. And Nodveidt.
Well, at least their music may rule. It doesn't seem like the prison time did Jon any good though.

I found an interview with Dan Swanö, it's a good read if you're interested.
Name: Connor Welles

Age: 23

Height/Weight: 5'9"/175

Location: Santa Cruz, CA

Bands: AA of course, and Maiden, Sabbath; been listening to a lot of The Crown lately, and Witchery. I like Opeth, but I'm not one of their gay-ass fanboys, oh, and Carcass fucking rules.

Hobbies: My motorcycle (A Norton), beer, a bit of bass and guitar, boxing, the Giants and Niners.

Movies: Star Wars, Spinal Tap, Thrashin', Rad, North Shore

Drink: Good IPA or stout if I have money, Pabst or Steel Reserve if not.

Other: I have a B.A. in European History from UC Santa Cruz, primarily WWII-era
hoyn said:
Embraced? :hotjump:

I don't think that I've heard anyone meantion them ever!
Amorous Anathema is a great album! Within is good too!

Well, at least their music may rule. It doesn't seem like the prison time did Jon any good though.

I found an interview with Dan Swanö, it's a good read if you're interested.
WOW yeah I have never had anyone respond to me and my EMBRACED rantings. AA is one of my favorite albums actually of all time. I think I like AA better than Within, although they are both killer albums. When I went to talk to Sven he was all suprised when I asked him about Embraced...on the Soilwork tour....he was all "No one has ever talked to me about Embraced" he was really suprised. Then we all got drunk and he kept bumming smokes haha...good times!
Cheers man!
Dead_Lioness said:
christcrusher, i love embraced also!
thought no a lot of people still appreciate them!! good to know some people remember them!

--> p.s: its ok, im not into girls :lol: you're just a cool chick :D
Dead Lioness: HAHAHAHA, I know what you mean. Embraced will always be in my heart, however gay that may sound...it is the bloody truth!

And P.S....it's all good, no need for justifications here...hehehe You are a cool chick too, good thing their are still some of us left eh? hehe

sitting at home, drinking alone-empty bottle in my heand, dont even try to sort out the lies, its much harder for me to understand...woohooo...

yeah embraced rules, they're from a town 20 minutes from me, nice boys.
Patric said:
Who, Embraced from Malmö, Sweden?
Yeah, that's them!

christcrusher said:
WOW yeah I have never had anyone respond to me and my EMBRACED rantings. AA is one of my favorite albums actually of all time. I think I like AA better than Within, although they are both killer albums. When I went to talk to Sven he was all suprised when I asked him about Embraced...on the Soilwork tour....he was all "No one has ever talked to me about Embraced" he was really suprised. Then we all got drunk and he kept bumming smokes haha...good times!
Cheers man!
Yeah, Amorous Anathema is probably better than Within... Not by very far though!

Did he say why they quit? It's quite unbelievable that almost noone has heard of them :(

I found a song by a band name Embraced entitled "Female" - does anyone know if it's the same Embraced who did this song?

sentience_withers said:
thanks for the link, hoyn.
I think it's one of the better interviews I've read actually, and he seems like he's very down to earth and knows what he's talking about. There seems to be quite a few fucked up people in metal, heh :)
Sven did not specifically say why they broke up but I believe it was band differences. They are prolly the only band that I will ever love and respect for having dual keyboards! --About that song you mentioned--I am not sure but it does not sound like "our" Embraced, well who knows. I made Sven look at my AA CD and shit, and he was very astounded that I actually had a copy of it. There are not too many left, I had to order my copy of Within and AA from Thailand...imagine that...fucking A!

Well cheers guys:)
Name: Vladimir Alexandroff
Age: almost 17
Race: 50% Jewish, 50% Russian
Location: Haifa, Israel
Height/Weight: 183cm/100 kgs. (I've lost some weight.... Damn)
Areas of Interest: Music, Firearms, Friends (sit-smoke-drink-laugh-fall asleep),
Music: I play Guitar, Bass & Keyboards.
Occupation: 11th grade highschool.