Ultimate Information Thread

AHHAHAHHAHHAHHAHAHHAHAHHHAHAHAH! Man! If you are really under 18 you can consider yourself lucky! You have still a LONG time to make your snopp happy....and to make happy many girls :grin:
But instead you are just an old mastiff! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Salvte, man!
Salute Roman amico! Ah, I'm still a happy man, I just need to fullfil my GOALS, you know where my goals are! So maybe the old mastiff will be replaced by a fiery beast 50% pit, 50% Pit Bull? My snopp still aches from the toilet visit :lol:
Ahahhahhahahah! Im an old wolf, man! Im old but my hormones are screaming for vengeance! Im getting hairy, very hairy even on my shoulders!!! Fuck off to the unhairy people!!!! Ahahahhahahahahahhahahah!
can somebody explain why 'jewish' is an ethnicity?
I'll introduce myself:
Sanghmitra = friend of the community (Buddhist name) => friend of the AA community!!
living in Belgium
no religion for the moment
favourite bands: Metallica, Apocalyptica, Amon Amarth, Rammstein, Sepultura, Melechesh, Butterfly Temple (Russian)
Graduated law student looking for a interesting job and meanwhile enjoying myself on message boards and discovering interesting metal bands...
They are, and since their beginings considered a cultural race. Begining with Abraham, who was appearantly the father of both Judiaism and Islam. The Jews became the slave race of the Egyptian empire, while the Muslims were the cast asside result of an affair between Abraham and his black mistress. Abraham did not recognize the result and gave the Jews his favor. This is probably the most ancient underlying reason for the Islamic antipathy for the Jews, among other things. The advent of christianity broke the racial necessity up, sightly, since jesus made it possible for everyone to be "chosen" and not just the Jews, who considered themselves the chosen, or promised people by god. The issue, or Jewish question, was something that was seriously pondered about long before WWII. It was also a very prominent topic of the mid to late 1800's. Both Nietzsche and Marx, also Thomas Carlyle wrote a number of essays on the Jewish Question. In other words, it is an ethnicity based on a religious ideology.
Cadarn said:
Ahahhahhahahah! Im an old wolf, man! Im old but my hormones are screaming for vengeance! Im getting hairy, very hairy even on my shoulders!!! Fuck off to the unhairy people!!!! Ahahahhahahahahahhahahah!
Fuuuck, I looked in the mirror today on my back (cause I'm getting a big oriental tattoo there) and I'm growing these hairs too. What's the cause, grappa or something?
-I am Jeremy Luke Cotter
-16 Years old (11th Grade High School)
-I love Amon Amarth, Asgaroth, Kalmah, Dismember, Limbonic Art, Deicide, Arcturus, Dissection, Arch Enemy, Ministry, Moonsorrow, Ancient Rites, Fireball Ministry, Rotting Christ, The Berzerker, At the Gates, The Haunted, Lord Belial, Entombed, and Forest Stream Oh yeah and I love Jangli Jaggas too!
-I have no life (If some of you didn't know already.)
-My favorite subject is History (Roman Era, Dark Age, Middle Age, Age of Enlightenment,, Napoleanic Era, and the Modern eras stretching from the American Civil War to WW2. Those all are my favorite areas of history.)
-I love reading historical non-fiction war books (Yeah, I am one big loser!)
-I am trying to grow out my hair and look similar to a Norseman (And it ain't workung at all. Makes me look like a hippie or a caveman!) I have been growing my hair out for oh say a year and a half (I got it undershaven a little while ago, because it got too damn curly and messy.)
-I like cake
-You know where I live
-I am half Native American (Cherokee mostly. I have a little Chippewa and Huron in me.) The other half is Irish. I look a lot more Irish than Native American!
-I like posting here
-It is fun
-I hate humans, Christians (No, but I only like 1960's-present day Christianity. We would be at least 600 years ahead of our time if it wasn't for those ignorant Christians of the Dark and Middle Age!). I also hate Pumpkin Pie, rascists :), my stupid ass little kitten that I am about to feed to the coyotes, and everything else.
-Oh yeah I am a male
-My favorite qoute "I hope you just now didn't read all of this!"
-My second favorite qoute- Of course: Save us, oh God, from the wrath of the North men (Norsemen)-King Harold before the Battle of Hastings, Anno 1066. I'm sure everyone already knew that already (I am in a viking (Death) metal board aren't I!?
-I'll shut up now!

I knew I was gonna have to edit this a few times!
christcrusher said:
Sven did not specifically say why they broke up but I believe it was band differences. They are prolly the only band that I will ever love and respect for having dual keyboards! --About that song you mentioned--I am not sure but it does not sound like "our" Embraced, well who knows. I made Sven look at my AA CD and shit, and he was very astounded that I actually had a copy of it. There are not too many left, I had to order my copy of Within and AA from Thailand...imagine that...fucking A!

Well cheers guys:)
I know, it doesn't sound like Embraced at all, maybe except the vocals. But I saw this on their website: "They started out making music that was more in the vein of thrashmetal and continued doing that for about 2 years". So, maybe it's an older song they wrote before heading towards the keyboard-oriented music?

They're the only band that uses keyboards all the time that I can stand. Pretty strange since I'm almost allergic to frequent use of keyboards in metal except for Embraced. :confused:

I'm gonna order Amorous Anathema tomorrow, I think the label re-released that one, so it's available again! I've never seen Within anywhere, though :/

Hopefully they won't have to send me my copy from Thailand, since I want mine at the end of the week!!
YEAH, I hear you on this issue Hoyn. Sometimes I cannot stand keyboards because they are so misplayed, or just simply do not fit. LOL, yeah AA is awesome! I heard they re-released it so that is great, it should be available to people upon request because they should Embraced should still be out there for people to discover.
Sumerian said:
They are, and since their beginings considered a cultural race. Begining with Abraham, who was appearantly the father of both Judiaism and Islam. The Jews became the slave race of the Egyptian empire, while the Muslims were the cast asside result of an affair between Abraham and his black mistress. Abraham did not recognize the result and gave the Jews his favor. This is probably the most ancient underlying reason for the Islamic antipathy for the Jews, among other things. The advent of christianity broke the racial necessity up, sightly, since jesus made it possible for everyone to be "chosen" and not just the Jews, who considered themselves the chosen, or promised people by god. The issue, or Jewish question, was something that was seriously pondered about long before WWII. It was also a very prominent topic of the mid to late 1800's. Both Nietzsche and Marx, also Thomas Carlyle wrote a number of essays on the Jewish Question. In other words, it is an ethnicity based on a religious ideology.
Thank you, Sumerian, you didnt miss anything and got the whole topic covered. Just reminding everone, that Jesus was jewish too. So christians are basically jews too. They'll just never admit it, ha?
The strangest thing is that in Israel most of the population is non religious and mostly dont concider themselves as jews but israelies (The wrath of the toursitic landmarks worldwide :)). Most of israelies dont visit a sinagoge more than a dozen times during theyre whole lifetime. Ok maybe more but sinagoges are rarely overcrowded...

btw, M., If jews (although they are) are not an ethnicity, can gypsies be considered as an ethnicity?
for every culture the god's prophets are from their own culture
in kuran-ı kerim it writes that jesus and all the others are muslims but we know that (no offense meant) bibel is lost and ppl juz make up stories about jesus there came christian culture and the jew's book was half burned in the fire of the great library of iskender.(ı dont know why ı told u this)

but ı say that jesus was not exactly jew nor muslim nor christian but we know that he was sent by the same god for the same purpuse and all the 3 cultures are similiar to each other. u can say jesus is jew and it writes in our holy book but it also writes in our holy book too.

(i didnt want to offend you if ı did ı juzt apologise)
Beorn of MythOdeviL said:
And why not?
Because of some slight differences between an ethnicity and an religious affilation... to give you an example: you can be a israeli jew, whereas you also can be a french jew, a polish jew, a german jew, an finnish jew, or whatever...

Religious Affinity is something you can chose freely, whereas ethnicity is given by your personal roots...
Hoyn, will you be joining me to Belzepub soon? Last time was a blast...I hope to get even more drunk this time around, hopefully before Xmas if I can smuggle a few bottles from Denmark...
A simpler answer to being able to label Judaism as an ethnicity comes not from the actual religious apocrypha, but more from actual theological practice. That is, Judaism, unlike christianity, does not go after converts, rather Judaism proceeds in the opposite manner, making it difficult enought o convert to the religion that only those who truly want to, for whatever reason, do so. Factor in the effects of such an inclusive ethos to a religion over a few millenia, and you come out with a group of people who share both a religion, and more often than not, a common ancestral background.
Wolfenmond said:
Because of some slight differences between an ethnicity and an religious affilation... to give you an example: you can be a israeli jew, whereas you also can be a french jew, a polish jew, a german jew, an finnish jew, or whatever...

Religious Affinity is something you can chose freely, whereas ethnicity is given by your personal roots...
But I'll still be a jew, right?
I want to note a fact, no provocation, a serious one, all you holocaust deniers - ignore.

Hitler killed jews not by religion. By ethnic belongness. Most of the jews in Germany (for example) were assimilated and you couldnt usually tell the difference between a jew and a german. In this case jews were treated as a nation rather than a religious movement. But they were slaughtered by the millions (at least 6 millions) just because maybe some grandmother of agrandmother was jewish. Of course there were the religious ones, the stereotipical jew, if you will in their black coats and hats and beards etc. But there also the non religious jews. So if they were considered jews, why cant I consider myself a jew? A russian jew, an Israeli jew, any type you will. Hitler killed French, Polish, German, Czech, Austrian, Hungerian, Ukrainian jews - the list is looooong.
Again, no offence to anyone, just trying to explain my point of view.