Ultimate Metal welcomes Toproom Studio!


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
UltimateMetal.com would like to welcome a new addition to our production/recording stable, Toproom Studio!

As described on their site:

Toproom Studio is a nice studio located in Lunner, 60 km north from Oslo. The studio has produced albums for 17 years as of summer 2009!

The studio has been famous for great productions by artists such as Mayhem, Borknagar, Tristania, Extol, Sadus, Winds, Arcturus, Ulver, Big Bang, Tritonus, Solefald, Âsmegin, Carnivora and many, many more....about 175 albums!

Børge "Mixerman" Finstad is the owner of the studio. He is also the in-house engineer/producer.

The studio also has a great assistant engineer. The studio has air conditioning.

Toproom Studio has great standards with high-end equipment and very low prices.

Clients can feel free to rent the studio without the engineer as well.

The artists can rent a house nearby with good standards at affordable prices during productions. The artists can also sleep at the studio for free if they chose.

The studio clients can also use "Mixermans" trolling boat w/ equipment, and go fishing.....Big trouts and pikes!

We all know there's something up in the water in Norway (the bands are just too good!), so if you're looking for a great studio to record in give the guys a call/email!

Welcome Børge and the rest of Toproom!

(Special thank to Asgeir, thanks for the hookup dude!)