UM Metal needs some Christian band forums!!!

MUSIC is what's important. I don't give a shit about Darkthrone's or Extol's religious views, as long as their music is good. So no, I don't think UM should add "Christian band forums" just for the sake of it. If the bands are good, sure, but not just because of their religion.
henrikmain said:
MUSIC is what's important. I don't give a shit about Darkthrone's or Extol's religious views, as long as their music is good. So no, I don't think UM should add "Christian band forums" just for the sake of it. If the bands are good, sure, but not just because of their religion.

TakinTheMusicBack said:
Maybe we need a Dianetics forum? Or what about an Aetherian Society forum? We can all discuss aliens and flying saucers coming to take us away instead of fucking MUSIC!!!

I agree, even i'm getting tired of bashing christians :D I think any religious debates should be moved to the pop culture or non-metal section as they don't belong elsewhere on this site.
The ironic thing about Christian metal bands is that most of the holy rollers like to reject all metal as evil- even if the band was a christian group- I'm pretty sure the holy rollers would be thinking there is too much power and aggression in your music- its the devils music- I'm imagining something similar to the scene from SPinal Tap when they play for the Air Force( or was it the army- I cant remember) And the general or whatever says- cant you play soemthing slow, and something we can dance to.

Christian metal-ha- it just sounds like an oxymoron.
Christian Death Metal

i cant imagine anyone singing shit from the Bible death metal-style. that would be weird, cool, and scary at the same time.
Sonicarnal Artist said:
Ah, but your drawing of their 'Christian' element as their primary indentifying factor betrays your true motivations for liking them..

That is true. But the reason some of these bands are my favorite are because I like the music and the message.