Um... Where did the Hate Pit go?

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I don't think you can take any of the posts in there seriously. (and I never saw any sickening racist posts anyway - perhaps I'm not easily sickened :D ).

Zeanra: well no one was making you go there.

Can I ask why it was closed?

it's Ok that Hate Pit went...but i think it should be replaced with a LOVE pit... we can do away with signatures (if we hav bandwidth troubles)... i can't make a donation thought :(...

but a love pit... that's what we need...rite? (*desperately hopes he is rite*)
The place was starting to look like an NSBM rally... I won't really miss it.
It wasn't really that hateful or offensive anyways (at least not to me). I believe it was originally intended to be a place where people should bring their flamewars, so the threads would not take up space in other forums and other members would not have to put up with them.

Anyways, this site did not have really long or aggressive flamewar threads (compared to some I have seen), so the board did not serve it's intended purpose and was not really needed. People just went there to joke around. With the bandwidth costs, it was a reasonable solution to shut it down. At least this is why I think it was shut down. :)
Originally posted by mousewings
It wasn't really that hateful or offensive anyways (at least not to me). I believe it was originally intended to be a place where people should bring their flamewars, so the threads would not take up space in other forums and other members would not have to put up with them.

Anyways, this site did not have really long or aggressive flamewar threads (compared to some I have seen), so the board did not serve it's intended purpose and was not really needed. People just went there to joke around. With the bandwidth costs, it was a reasonable solution to shut it down. At least this is why I think it was shut down. :)

i agree... it was a good decision... hate pit was a much-hated forum..and only took away valuable bandwidth... hail UM! (love pit?)
Originally posted by parimal2k29

i agree... it was a good decision... hate pit was a much-hated forum..and only took away valuable bandwidth... hail UM! (love pit?)

I can understand the decision if it was due to bandwidth.....BUT a lot of the posts in most of the forums are dross, especially with people like pceptimus posting 'I'm a fish'. At least the Hate Pit was laugh.

And I'd bet money that there were a larger % of UM supporters posting in the Hate Pit than most other forums.

Originally posted by Vim Fuego
The Hate Pit seems to have disappeared... Is this deliberate? Was it getting too hateful? Is it coming back?

well if it isn't the infamous vim... it's me - sickofitall from MH... are you on every messageboard that ever existed... do you have no life at all?!!!
If it was shut down due to bandwidth then fine - who are we to argue? I actually think some of the threads in there were worthwhile political discussions - regardless of how heated they became. Free speech is good.

What was the reason anyway - has anyone even explained why yet?

But I have to say, some of the people here remind me of those who complain about nudity, horror, and violence on tv. If you don't like it, then don't watch it (or in this case, read it). Censorship is just bad news - especially on the internet.

Originally posted by Vim Fuego
I was just wondering where some of the social misfits who used to frequent the place will end up. Hopefully not stirring up legitimate posters...

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I saw your postings in the Hate Pit - you were in there all the time. What, are you like 70 years old? "social misfits" - that's what the old people at the bingo call the young locals :lol:
I really liked the hate pit.mostly because nothing there was taken seriously and just to vent some stuff up
where else can you say that you really hate buffy the vampire slayer???
or have incoherent talks about fast food restaurants that end up being about lesbianism?
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