Um... Where did the Hate Pit go?

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we want the hate pit back!
and tell us who posted the thread that made it close so we can hack that person into little pieces
Its funny to see how the first posters were so fast to judge and label the hate pitters has social misfits. Well if many of you only saw the flame wars, you’ll never understand anything beyond the I HATE AMERICANS ,my pals, BUFFY threads… they wont actually try to see the intelligent threads going on there.
I frequent this board long before the Pit, strangely it was in it where I could express most of my ideas with people without fearing I was being impolite or making something improper. It’s true that some guys were a bunch of complete idiots (like in all boards) on the other hand some persons were actually communicating, you know… trading ideas.

Its sad that someone had the idea of shutting it down… the worse thing is that I feel betrayed by the place I was considering home (UM).

If you dont like, then dont go... in the 2 nd Opeth board I've seen things not very proper, if people have fun with their treads whats with this FAscist behavior?
Certain people frequented the Hate Pit, made new threads, responded to older ones, had a few laughs, and then decided to make complaints about the people being "social misfits".

Not naming names, but I wonder if all New Zealanders currently teaching English in Korea are low-life hypocrites? Nothing worse than a kiss-ass.
well I saw a thread called: my clitoris is moist
that was on the chat off topic from the opeth forum
so what's the deal with that?

and I don't agree with lobo in some things
sometimes you don't have to make a social point or something,sometimes you just want to vent out something or have a laugh and that's what the hate pit for
Originally posted by manuelgv
well I saw a thread called: my clitoris is moist
that was on the chat off topic from the opeth forum
so what's the deal with that?

Yeah, I saw that thread too - kinda hard to miss it really:grin:

The point is that there are a million useless and pointless threads out there, where people talk complete shit. And those threads are fulfilling a purpose and the Hate pit was not? Thats just bullshit. So there were some meaningless posts in it. There were also a lot of decent threads where you could argue a point as if everyone around you was a mate, and you didn't have to think about how you phrased something in case a little ten year old metaller-in-my-pocket got offended, and got his mum to complain.

And still they don't give us an answer as to why....
Originally posted by Silmaril

And still they don't give us an answer as to why....

That's what's fucking annoying me the most.
The fact that were not even worthy of being told why the hate pit was droped. Cos were just a bunch of little children that like to swear at each other. :rolleyes:

yeah we need a reason to understand why such a great place was closed and there are millions of other places where they just keep talking about bands and the same songs all the time
give us a reason or a hate pit!!!
I've got to say, I want the hate pit back too.
I'm willing to give up my entire membership to UM for the Hate pit.
It was the only place I ever really posted and frankly, I can't stand the vast majority of these other threads. They're shit inhabitied by mindless drones who couldn't type a message to save their own pathetic lives. If I can't have the fucking hate pit, then I don't want to have UM.
Damn, I disappear for a little bit to find the pit gone...? That had some seriously funny shit in there and it definitely made UM unique. Como on, how many boards are there where insults and flaming is actually encouraged?

Sure there are a lot of dumbasses there too, but thats part of the fun as well. Oh yeah AJ, stop making your fonts bigger to make your point, it makes you look like a little kid whining to his mommy.

Hey the spirit must live on right? :D
Originally posted by Stormbringer
i think mark once said in the shoutbox 'the hate pit lost it's original purpose' or something like that. well then, ask governments to abolish football cos it doesnt 'serve it's original purpose' anymore...

Difference being, I don't run the governments but I *do* run UM.

The Hate Pit turned into shit -- if you guys want it, then start an EzBoard or something, because I don't feel it has a part of UM anymore, and none of your insults or abuse will bring it back.
Have you heard yourselves, people? 'If I can't have the fucking Hate Pit, then I don't want to have UM?' Right, fine then.
So all the work Mark does, all the money he spent at the outset originally bringing this site to us, all the time and effort I and the rest of the writers spend WITHOUT PAY to bring you the latest album reviews, interviews, metal news and so forth, all the people you've met through the forums and become friends with, all the compiling of gig dates for YOUR convenience, all of the energy Mark in particular and the rest of the staff have put into making Ultimate Metal a friendly, metal-centric community where you can have intelligent discussions about your favourite and not-so-favourite bands...
All that effort has been wasted?
Are you telling us that all the time that has been spent lovingly crafting this site into the best metal community and webzine on the internet should have instead been devoted to creating a forum where people could mindlessly insult each other?
Have I wasted my time writing over a hundred album reviews for this site when I should have been deliberately typing the word 'fuck' into every post I entered?
Should my time interviewing Darkmoon, Dust To Dust, and soon Virgin Steele, Tiamat and Seven Witches have instead been spent on wording racist slurs?
Have I been following up bands in the local scene in search of the next big things, intending to bring you the news first, only to discover that many of you actually don't care about the music at all - you just want to spend your time insulting each other?
Thank you to all the people who have posted messages insulting or berating UM for taking away the Hate Pit. You've reaffirmed my long-held view that in general, people are ungrateful, short-sighted ingrates who throw their toys out of the pram at any given oppurtunity.
If it means so fucking much to you, I'LL set up a Hate Pit for you on the EzBoard at my website. And since none of you appreciate the work that Mark and the rest of do here, I'd expect no-one who posted there to log on to UM again - after all, you don't want UM without the Hate Pit, do you?
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