Um... Where did the Hate Pit go?

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Originally posted by impey

well if it isn't the infamous vim... it's me - sickofitall from MH... are you on every messageboard that ever existed... do you have no life at all?!!!

Well, yeah, you're pretty much right on the second count there- no life, until June at least, when I get home. As for other boards, almost 14,000 posts on Kerrang, more than 10,000 on Metal Hammer, and I used to frequent Terrorizer and Metal Maniacs message boards too.:spin:

Actually, that sounds sadder than I though...
Originally posted by MindMorgue
Having anything to do with kerrang and 'metal' hammer sounds pretty sad to me :grin:


What - so Oasis and Bryan Adams aren't heavy metal then? :lol:

Kerrang and Metal Hammer just need to go away - or change their names back to Q and Spin.
Man I really miss the Hate Pit, there were actually some worth while threads going on, actually some intellegent convos too, yeah some of them were really, really lame, but some people need to get some shit off their chests. My posts have cut way back since the hate pit vanished, I like the Anthrax, Testament, DiGiorgio boards but the threads lack in any thing interesting, despite what many people think, the Hate Pit had more intelligent thoughts posted(sometimes:) ) than alot of the other boards, which to me are redundant, anyways, I will continue to post and see about a donation, but man, I miss that place:cry:

BTW How do I keep getting replies to posts on the Hate pit, I got an E-mail saying that I had a reply but the thread and the hate pit are long gone?:confused:
Agreed - if they need $$ they should just ask. There are loads of people willing to donate to keep the Hate Pit alive.

And some of the other threads are full of such drivel like FullStrike, Tad Morose, and Ayreon - they should just get rid of those and return the Hate Pit. It was the best thing going.
Originally posted by dill_the_devil

So you mean you've missed the gold star adverts, the 'please donate' messages, the UM Donations forum, and every other form of pleading we've been doing for donations?

Well I'm new and only have 18 posts in. Give me a break!

And to be fair, I did post a new thread in your UM donations forum on April 26th at 10:40pm (to be precise) asking you how much you needed to keep the Hate Pit alive....

Until I get a response, how am I supposed to know how much you need? :) Nobody to date has responded.
We don't need $$ to keep the Hate Pit alive - it wasn't closed because of financial considerations. It also was not closed because of the content of one particular thread, nor were any complaints received.

Regarding the smaller forums dotted around the board - those are official forums for bands that have requested them. Ultimate Metal started as a site that promoted and supported underground and lesser known metal acts, in some cases supplying good quality, pop-up free official forums for bands that otherwise would not have them. We continue to follow that ideology. So yes there are forums that are quiet in comparison to others, but they have a useful purpose to the bands in question. :)
Originally posted by dreamwatch
We don't need $$ to keep the Hate Pit alive - it wasn't closed because of financial considerations. It also was not closed because of the content of one particular thread, nor were any complaints received.

Ok. Now we know why it wasn't closed, perhaps you'd like to inform the 'community' why it was closed? Or is that asking too much?

I would like to know too, that place was a godsend for me and a lot of other people there too, The Hate Pit had its own regulars and was good for people who are sick of the mundane subjects in all the other boards,(particularly Musical survivor BULLSHIT! )
Good discussions were going on and you guys cut them off right in the middle of them, I was looking forward to seeing some of my replies when I went to forum jump and low and behold, NO HATE PIT! IT FUCKING SUCKS. You can at least tell us why instead of playing circular word games and treating us like we couldn't possibly understand your reasoning. I don't know about anyone else but I am getting pissed at this SHIT!
Ah, Screw donations, the Hate Pit was the only thing I really enjoyed here and they took it away, Fucking stupid shit, If you really are offended by a thread Delete it, 99% of the threads there were jokes and letting off steam, if it was the thread my pals that was the catalyst then DELETE IT AND MAKE AN ANNOUNCEMENT THAT THAT WON'T BE TOLERATED, EVEN IN THE HATE PIT! A lot of the replies on that particular thread said how dumb that idiot was, I mean come on, he was an idiot. BRING IT BACK!
Originally posted by dreamwatch
We don't need $$ to keep the Hate Pit alive - it wasn't closed because of financial considerations. It also was not closed because of the content of one particular thread, nor were any complaints received.

so why the fuck did you close it then???

i really want it back but if you are not willing to, ok then, we have to live with it.

but not giving any reason is really bullshit! i'd bet you'd lose some UM members due to that decision (not me ;)). the hate pit became one of the most frequented playes apart from blaze, opeth and the general music discussion.

i think mark once said in the shoutbox 'the hate pit lost it's original purpose' or something like that. well then, ask governments to abolish football cos it doesnt 'serve it's original purpose' anymore...
Yeah that's weird - you don't need the $$ (after we offered), and it wasn't because of the particular thread content, so in that case, for us the fans of UM, PLEASE bring it back. We had a real community in there and that's what the web is all about right?

That way, the bands can keep their threads etc, and you can isolate us back into the Hate Pit. It was the ONLY forum worth reading (for me).

Come on guys - in this day and age with all the fucking misery around us - at least give us back our Hate Pit.
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