Unblessing the Purity album art


in the soil beneath
Nov 17, 2004
Austin, Texas
I must say I actually like this art very much, my brother disagrees but whatever . . . you guys should check out Dusty's art work it's actually quite fucking evil looking! I can see why BloodBath chose you as the winner! nice job dude, and I see you live in Seattle, awesome! I just moved here myself:headbang:
I must say I actually like this art very much, my brother disagrees but whatever . . . you guys should check out Dusty's art work it's actually quite fucking evil looking! I can see why BloodBath chose you as the winner! nice job dude, and I see you live in Seattle, awesome! I just moved here myself:headbang:

Thanks, man!
Your brother sucks, haha. ;) But seriously, I appreciate it!

I've lived here in Seattle for about 10 years and I remember what it was like to freshly move here for college, so I know the feeling! Trust me when I say you will dig the crap out of this city. If you want my advice, take a trip on the ferry and soak in the amazing skyline. It's absolutely gorgeous at night.

The album art reminds me of the saying: "wolves in lambs cloth". Kind of like religion with the veil of lies removed. So I guess we're continuing with the lines of Cancer of the Soul from NMF.

Personally I really like it! Nice wallpaper for my PC =)

Cool man I'll me sure to do that sometime. Maybe I'll hire you to do the cover art for my novel I'm writing . . . . if i can get it published.
yeah the artwork is brutal as hell. Did you paint it dusty?

Sorry I missed this.
It's not painted with brushes and paint, no, but I do have a traditional background. I use Photoshop (and sometimes Painter), because it's more time efficient, less messy, and more forgiving if I make a mistake.

Also, I just wanted to say if anyone is interested, I redid all the graphics on my webpage and added a few new features. The orange blob that was my last site was made a long time ago, so I felt the need to update it.

Feel free to poke around!

Thanks, man!
Your brother sucks, haha. ;) But seriously, I appreciate it!

I've lived here in Seattle for about 10 years and I remember what it was like to freshly move here for college, so I know the feeling! Trust me when I say you will dig the crap out of this city. If you want my advice, take a trip on the ferry and soak in the amazing skyline. It's absolutely gorgeous at night.

I tried to email you thru your site to extend compliments, but it wouldn't go through!