Unblessing The Purity Review

Of course I've heard them, but I am surprised you guys did this. It doesn't fit Bloodbath especially when you guys have said you're not just a tribute to old school bands anymore with the release of NMF. It has not fit anything you guys have done and could have been left out on the EP.

I love when you reply to me Jonas since you're such a happy smiling man :)

I still support you guys anyways, but when band members start a jerk fest with a loyal fan, it's kind of unprofessional when given an honest open opinion of something you've done.

Bands are not allowed to deviate and evolve from what they originally started as?:erk:
Of course they are, you said that backwards if that's what you meant though. It would be that they regressed, is what I am saying.
I don't think they regressed at all. Get rid of your prior judgements and thoughts of a band when you listen to a new album. Makes the listening experience different.
The new release is pretty awesome. It grows on you with more listens. Im a picky motherfucker myself ,and thought some arangements were weird.... but im liking it more and more that I listen to it.
I was very happy with the release. It was worth the wait imo although most of that wait was against the band's choice. Blast's aren't bad either! As long as they're done with taste. But over the years I've kinda figured out what you like Tumn, and yeah, the new album doesn't really suit your style. I still think that it's a great succession to NMF and that it's going to be one of the best releases of the year.

I guess now all we can do is wait for the full length and see what'll come next :)
I still support you guys anyways, but when band members start a jerk fest with a loyal fan, it's kind of unprofessional when given an honest open opinion of something you've done.

quite the contrary tumn, i thought you would lap it up if they started a jerk fest with you. Anyway, this is a really great ep. Gunna go see them live when the come to england and yeah that is that.
I think this ep is about 8/10 not as good as RTC or NMF, but it's still cool ;) Weak Aside is really fuckin' cool song for the 4-5th listen, Sick Salvation is good as hell too, Unblessing the Purity has too much blast beats, good song too but it's not my favorite, Mouth of Empty Praise got some good melodies. Weak Aside > Sick Salvation > Blasting the Virginborn = Mouth of Empty Praise
Mike's vocals are sounds like hell and the others are did very well too ;)
Personally this album really kick ass! Every songs are so brutal! The riffs in Mouth of the empty praise and weak aside are awesome, It's been long enough so now we can listen to an other piece of art hehe, No way, Im not disapointed about any songs, goodjob guys ! BLOODBATH!
Never heard samples from horror movies in death metal before? Right, you are from the nu-skool. Almost forgot...

Eek, low blow.

Tumn, give it a few more listens; it certainly has grown on me. The first time I heard it I felt similar to you, but it just gets better and better. Though I actually loved the samples right off the bat, and Sick Salvation in general. I really think Per adds a fabulous touch to the band.

Still can't wait to see where the band goes from here.
Sodomizer's track, Sick Salvation. What is with that sound clip in the middle of the song, started laughing when I heard that. Been listening to a lot of new Megadeth or something? That's probably the one really dumb part on the entire EP that shouldn't have been there, totally out of place in a Bloodbath song.

Yeah that was a major turn off for sure...the rest of the song rules tho...
I'm suprised the very brief, hard to understand movie quote is such a concern for some. I actually didn't even notice it the first time through.
I'm curious what movie it's from, though. I'm a huge horror fan, and it's bugging me that I can't identify it :p

Good production and good vocals. The music is performed well. The problem for me is that I can't remember the songs after hearing them several times. Kind of ordinary and pretty boring sounding death metal. I miss songs like Eaten or Like Fire that you remember. 3/5 (I only give it 3 becasue Mike sings very good on this) Maybe I need to listen more...

I agree with everything you say. Nothing sticks yet, and I can't even pick a fav song. Well played and nice sound though, but something's missing.

I also have to agree with Tumn that the sample is a bit odd in Sick Salvation, but I guess it might grow on ya.

Well guys, all your previous releases kicked more ass than this one, but don't give up, I'm sure you've got at least another album to crank out of that hole right where your heart once used to be.
Here's a review posted on Metal-Archives

Well I may not be very good at describing albums musically well, but being a non-biased listener (may be biased for Mike's works) I know what sounds good, and what are your expectations from a band. Believe me, I m one of the most ardent fans of Mikael Akerfeldt around, but that doesn't mean I keep on blindly supporting every stuff they come out with.

After their debut album "Resurrection Through Carnage" ( with Mike on vocals) they ushered a completely new era in Swedish Death Metal scene. Seriously this album made me a huge fan of his vocals ability. Even after Mike's exit they came out with another fucking epic great album in the form of "Nightmares Made Flesh". People hailed them as the new Swedish super-group filling in the shoes of the greats like Dismember, Grave etc.

And then comes this EP. Annoying, disappointing, boring, wankery are the perfect words to describe this. The album begins with a familiar Old School Melo-death sound, but then suddenly after a few minutes of plays it takes a huge turn and thats where this starts failing for me.

I just fail to understand the obsession of upcoming and even older bands to shift to technicality and add progressive elements to the releases. Ok, Mike is the frontman of an extreme progressive band called Opeth, but then he was still there in opeth when he came out with the first release of the band, isn't it? The band tries too much to impress the fans by guitar and double bass wankery right from the first song itself till the very end of this EP. "Weak Aside" is the weakest track in the entire EP. The sudden tempo shift at 1.51, and to make it worse, drawing influences from Pitbulls In The Nursery at 1.26 and the end of the track(I m talking about the riffs). They do it time and again in other tracks too. As it progresses, it just goes beyond my wildest imaginations as in what the fuck is on these guys' mind. Why aren't they trying to stick to one particular style? Experimentations has worked wonders for many bands but then it has led to strongest criticisms too if you fail badly at it, which mostly is the case with many a bands, and I am afraid to say this is true for Bloodbath too.

Well, its not like I am against Technical Death Metal or Progressive Death sound, believe me they are one of the most accomplished genres in Death Metal
but there are proper ways to put that in an album, even if you manage to produce guitar riffs like Pitbulls In The Nursery why aren't you backing it with odd-time signatures and complex drum patterns and prominent tempo shifts with bass guitar solos? See, thats where you start to feel why Dan Swano was such an important member of this band.

But whatever, there is something in store for fan-boys; yeah, you heard me right. Mike's vocals are good if not great, well suited for a Progressive Death band, but as I said I am missing the Old School Melo-death sound. And then there is "Mouth for Praising Words" (well at least the first half of it). Rest all is crap, you better be true to your words Mikael, as I m counting very high on Opeth's upcoming release too and better come out with a killer Bloodbath full-length.

This guy must be deaf or dumb:zombie:
If that guy's older than 16 I'll eat my hat. RTC "ushered a completely new era in Swedish Death Metal scene"? That's absolutely laughable, it was a tribute to a long gone era in metal. I wonder if this guy's ever even heard Dismember or Entombed. I don't hear progressive influences on the ep at all...