
Originally posted by nafnikufesin
I certainly agree that Anthrax is underrated, but I think they are a lot more underrated with John. There are a number of older fans that never gave him a chance, but he is such a superior vocalist IMO.

I don't think they are underrated, every album they made had good critics in Holland. The problem is that they don't have a solid fanbase, 1st concert in Ive been in 88 , 5000 people, last concert in 2000 only 500!!!!!!!!!
Every album got 8/10 or sometimes 9/10
Back in 88 Trax was a cool band , now the kids have all these Limps and Korn, and I believe if you dont attract the kids(age 16 till 22) they will never get as big as they used to be, just us the old Geezers!!!!!!!
Originally posted by dutchy
Back in 88 Trax was a cool band , now the kids have all these Limps and Korn, and I believe if you dont attract the kids(age 16 till 22)!!!!!!!

Actually I am 15, and the reason why I started listening to Anthrax was A) I saw them on Rock Show and the song "Got the Time" got stuck in my head.... but I also love listening to them because I am the only person at my school who listens to them, and I like to do things differently... besides, they beat the crap out of all the numetal bands in terms of talent, IMO!
Originally posted by HELLBENTFORLEATHER
Actually I am 15, and the reason why I started listening to Anthrax was A) I saw them on Rock Show and the song "Got the Time" got stuck in my head.... but I also love listening to them because I am the only person at my school who listens to them, and I like to do things differently... besides, they beat the crap out of all the numetal bands in terms of talent, IMO!

Join the team!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Spread the word!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was 15 too when I discoverd TRAX, 14 years later, still dig every song they put out , Joey or Bush , they all rule!!!!
Originally posted by HELLBENTFORLEATHER
Actually I am 15, and the reason why I started listening to Anthrax was A) I saw them on Rock Show and the song "Got the Time" got stuck in my head.... but I also love listening to them because I am the only person at my school who listens to them, and I like to do things differently... besides, they beat the crap out of all the numetal bands in terms of talent, IMO!

Join the team!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Spread the word!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was 15 too when I discoverd TRAX, 14 years later, still dig every song they put out , Joey or Bush , they all rule!!!!
Originally posted by dutchy
I don't think they are underrated, every album they made had good critics in Holland. The problem is that they don't have a solid fanbase, 1st concert in Ive been in 88 , 5000 people, last concert in 2000 only 500!!!!!!!!!
Every album got 8/10 or sometimes 9/10
Back in 88 Trax was a cool band , now the kids have all these Limps and Korn, and I believe if you dont attract the kids(age 16 till 22) they will never get as big as they used to be, just us the old Geezers!!!!!!!

I agree, I also saw them back in 88,87,86, they have lost thier large fan base today. They have also experimented with thier sound after thrash dwindled. Maybe to be more accessible or draw in different fans. Now they struggle to get respect, its too bad 'cause they are great musicians.

Korn,slipknot and Bizkit music is where the (dumb)metal crowds are. Its just the way it is. Nu-metal has a lot of energy, like thrash did in the '80s, kids like that loud rebellious energy. I'm a geezer who mostly listens to '80s thrash and new death metal now.

I don't think they are underrated, its just that Anthrax does not sell well in todays market.
I've always perceived Anthrax as something of a cult band. I wonder if 'underrated' is any different to 'underappreciated'?
Anthrax is the Most Underrated Metal Band to come out of the 80's.. And for the fuckin life of me i cant figure out why. Thay are Heavy, Thay make good Music. and kick all forms of ass..so Anthrax underrated?..YES.. Joey Underrated.ahhhhhh?.. Who gives a fuck..
I'm 16 (17 in Nov.) and I have liked Anthrax for awhile now. The first time I heard them was on the Rock Show with "Inside Out" I loved it! Then I saw "Fueled" and I was like "AH! They rule!" I was about 14 or 15 at the time and within the past year I have become a big fan of them. I tell my friends about them all the time and they think their all right but they are true metal heads. One of them did say this about SOWN: "They are such an awesome band, they sound like they should be huge!" then I told him that if they were to be exposed to my our (my) generation, they probably would be. They have become a very underated band recently. They aren't the 'same' band as they were back in the 80's, but they still own!
Once again they were never underrated in the 80's, they were in every fuckin magazine every month!!!always named as one of the big 4, attracted big crowds!!!!!MTV even played the shit out of AntiSocial!!!
They are just not popular among big crowds!but who cares. The last time they were in Amsterdam playing for 500 people I got on stage and the Mighty BUSH gave me his mic to perform Bring Tha Noize and introduced to the crowd !!!!!!!that shit would have never happened on a big stage!!
Id rather have 500 of the craziest TRAX fans then 10000 of top 40 bulshit girl and boys wannabees who pretend teh band is cool cause everybody likes them!!
But for the members of TRAX I hope they sell millions and millions of the forthcoming album.
Yea Anthrax Is under-rated or under-appriciated, whatever you want to say, and I have a feeling the new album probably will NOT sell millions of copies, but who cares. We get to buy it, and still enjoy them, for ourselves, not because everyone in the world loves them. They are a true metal band in that they are not over exposed. I like the statement that they are kinda a cult band. That is a cool way of putting it. I just hope me buying all there albums will be enough to keep them going and put out another one after WCFYA.