Under the Dome

Video game to movie translations are pretty much always a crock of shit though, aren't they? I guess the only worse thing is movie to video game translations. Or video game to movie to video game translations. Street Fighter 2: The Movie: The Game anyone?

Van Helsing being the rare exception to the rule. The game was far superior to the movie upon which it was based.
I only liked "The Shining" out of his novels that I read, or tried to make through, because it wasn't your typical plastic horror novel that leaves hardly anything to the imagination. The concentration on the characters relationship in this very ambient setting really made the book so fantastic IMO.

Not some stupid clown,werewolf, car, dead puppies etc. going postal.

I might give the Dark Tower series a chance at some point and I think Misery could be a good read too. But other than that?

I can't stand short stories...
After being suckered in by people, I read Cell about a year ago. Biggest piece of shit! The dialogue was the most horrific thing in the book. I don't know what world he lives in but he keeps making up these really bad little sayings which he tries to pass as " what we say here in New England ". I live in New England, we don't talk like that, those sayings don't exist.
He kills off a main character halfway through the book in such a ridiculous way (she gets hit in the head with a brick from a passing car) and then it ends up having NO impact on the story, even though all the characters experienced a "flashforward" type dream in which that character is there.

Everyone told me I would love since it is very zombie like and so well written etc. LIES, I say LIES!

I'll stick to the great stuff coming from Permuted Press and Library of the Living Dead thank you very much.
"Devoted follows came as far as Spain for the Dundalk signing, but Will Bozarth rearranged his life." DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNN

What an absurd news article!
So when you're famous this will be used by tabloids to damn you by association. It will be discovered that Mr. King actually keeps the bodies of more than 300 children under his cellar floor.

Nice guy, indeed, Bozarth.