Unheard Opeth Fragments


Mar 4, 2005
This idea has been tossed around a few times on this forum and many others. Okay maybe more than a few.

The point is to pick your favorite sections of Opeth tunes. More importantly, pick a section where you think a certain instrument is overlooked by most people when they listen. Hopefully we can get some people to look at songs differently than they did before. List as many as you want, but please, take the time to read through everyone elses posts. You take the time to post yours, so take the time to read theirs. Happy posting!
Ghost of Perditon - 4:20
Pay close attention to the drums. Most people hear the double bass between verses, but listen to the snare this time around. Right after Mikael sings "Waits to pull asssssunder," listen to how they change.

The Grand Conjuration - 1:57
During the first heavy riffs, there is a second guitar track played very softly. See if you can catch it. Kind of wish they made that higher.

When - 1:23
See if you can catch the second guitar track on this part. It starts out low and gets higher. Kicks in around 8:38.

Many more out there. Let me hear yours!
Deliverance - Piano 13:00 - 13:10
rarely noticed but adds an awesome effect.
bah, really cant remember I'm normally too busy smacking my head up and down in the air at that point
The Grand Conjuration - 07:36

When Mikeal says "Clear The Smoke", his voice has the same effect as his voice does in the song Atonement. I don't know, I just thought it was really cool.

Also, later in the song you can hear whispering. If You turn the song backwards, you can decipher him whispering lyrics from the first verse of the song.


Thats just one I thought of in my head. Theres more but I'm too lazy to write em out.
xXBraveMurderDay said:
The Grand Conjuration - 07:36

When Mikeal says "Clear The Smoke", his voice has the same effect as his voice does in the song Atonement.

Errr.. I think the voice in that part of TGC doesn't have any effects on it, at least it sure doesn't sound like a flange (or whatever it is) effect used in Atonement...

Ghost of Perditon - 4:20
Pay close attention to the drums. Most people hear the double bass between verses, but listen to the snare this time around. Right after Mikael sings "Waits to pull asssssunder," listen to how they change.

Yes. Gold. Lopez sure knows how to make a good beat.
Masters Apprentices: 5:28

Not sure if this is a lead guitar with heaps of effects or controlled feedback (I recall a discussion about this somewhere, but I can't remember what they said) but it sounds beautiful as it rings out over the lead guitar. Maybe it isn't such an 'unheard' thing, but when you pay attention to it, it sounds very nice :)
A similar, less obvious effect is used earlier in the song at 4:36.

The Apostle In Triumph: 8:41
I'm not sure if many people will agree to this, but for some reason the harmonised vocals sound very artificial and to me sound like a midget, Mikael tripping on helium, and/or Mikael clutching his balls extremely tightly. As far as I've heard, I dont think that Mikael can reach that high without going into falsetto (have a listen to the transition of his voice at 2:40 of Ghost of Perdition as he says 'winding ever...higher'). From what I hear, the harmonised vocals in Apostle sound too strong to be falsetto.

Also have a listen for a beat that Lopez frequently does on each album. e.g. The Leper Affinity: 3:21
Masters Apprentices: 5:28

Not sure if this is a lead guitar with heaps of effects or controlled feedback (I recall a discussion about this somewhere, but I can't remember what they said) but it sounds beautiful as it rings out over the lead guitar. Maybe it isn't such an 'unheard' thing, but when you pay attention to it, it sounds very nice
A similar, less obvious effect is used earlier in the song at 4:36.

That's a lead with a bunch of effects on it to get a feedback-ish sound...they play it "normally" on Lamentations and some other boots I have from the D&D/Lamentations tour
Baying Of The Hounds at around 6:57 the rhythm guitar under the solo is amazing...im sure alot of people have noticed it, but i think its worthy of pointing out...ill post some more in a little bit lol
I dont want to interupt black rose immortal (which I have on now) to find the timing.. but:

Ghost of perdition
the 'if one cut the source of the flow' bit.. that whole fucking section is so good.. so many layers you have to listen carefully to hear.. when i first listened to ghost reveries it got to that bit of ghost of perdition and i thought; man this album is going to fucking rock.. (but sadly that is the highlight of the whole album imo:()
The acoustic guitar and especially the shifting chords done by it in Bleak, around 0:44 or so. Sounds really cool.