Unheard Opeth Fragments

Yeah, that's a really cool bit. I listened to the 5.1 mix, and it sounds like he's actually whispering/sighing "Melindaaaaa".

I can confirm this.

With a better sound hardware, I can actually hear that. He really whisperes/sighes "Melinda" there.
btw in the beggining of demon of the fall, it comes a weird sound before the guitars get in (some growls) ...and I reversed and It sounds like something said but I cant figure it...help?
^ I listened to that intro and modified the sound with Adobe Audition and it's still not very clear, but it's the band playing the part of a song (if it is a reckonisable song, I couldn't say, I have no idea which song it is). It has been made so it's hard to indentify anything... different instruments all fucked up? When reversed, we hear a drum playing with a drum riff (snare + hit hat playing rather fast), and Mikael's growls downpitched and probably slowed. WIthout reversing, we can hear a drum hitting snare (and toms?) in a monotone way.

"I BURN! I'M WITH GOD!" That's what I heard first, but it certainly isn't that, still fun.
You have to reverse it and increase the speed, I saw somewhere that it is another band (black metal band I think) playing near/next to where Opeth was recording.
I think I found it...
I've just done a little research... I don't know if I should post this, copyright stuff...
2. Coil : Serisously, I didn't see any effects on the voice. I only feel Mikael is doing a vibrato with his voice. Screeshes? Well it's hard to notice. Maybe is it your speakers? Lol kidin'.

No no, they're not effects or anything, it's just the way Mike's voice sounds now, it's probably a bit battered after all the years of touring, smoking and alchohol. Either way it sounds cool, I absolutely love it! And it's not that hard to notice really, just turn up the volume a bit and you'll hear it.
Just listening to wreath,
And am appreciating the riffing,
and all the backing stuff.

What I noticed that struck me a brilliant is the riffing behind this section

"I'm not in need but wish to know
What are the tragedies"

just sounds really cool, and ads alot to the section.
Eternal Soul (or Ear?) Torture. It is unheard because it is way too hard to listen to it and understand anything.
I guess you talked already of this in some topic
The Moor:Before the "uuuuuuuUUUUUUUHHHHH - SHE IS WATERDROPS OVER THE PYRE" line starts,you can hear Mike sighing. Probably there's another sigh placed somewhere else,since I read something about it.

couldn't hear anything, I fail :erk:
In porcelain heart..

the drumming along with guitar at 2.15-2.29 all just seems kinda awkward. Its hard to explain but it just seems like the two don't mesh as well as they could have in this part.

did anyone else notice this?

that's one of my favourite moments in any Opeth song, I absolutely love it.

Why actually all the people hear melinda in everyplace?

well. it's not too odd in the Moor-case, here's the lyrics:

Melinda is the reason why I've come
*some uuuuh's+"the Melinda-sigh"*
She is waterdrops over the pyre

EDIT: somehow, the chord-changing-sounds get on my nerves,as I start focusing on them all the time when listening to Coil. And as we know he changes cords like twice per second during that song. it's still fuckin epic. *sweep swoop*

This does not really have anything to do with the thread, but in that new Kanye West song "Heartless", in which he is singing terrible, he's breathing in after every fuckin line, as if he had just ran some 50 miles. Gosh I hate that song so bad.. damn astma-rapper. and then there's the line: "How could you be so doctor Evil, you're bringin out a side of me that I don't knooow.".. that's the worst rhyme/lyrics ever created by anyone in any category. Death to Kanye West!

sorry for double post.