Unheard Opeth Fragments

Ya, awesome thread... it's interesting to be able to find out about certain parts of songs that others find incredible, even if you may have overlooked them.

9:27 in The Moor - the guitars in this section weave together in such a cool way, but at this moment, they simultaneously jump in different directions.
I've read most of the posts in this thread, and I could'nt find it, so here it goes:

Have anyone noticed the drums (i think) begining at approx. 7.51 in black rose immortal? The insanely fastgoing doublebass or whatever it is. If it is bass drums, then how is that possible? It's must be way to fast for human feets.
if you wanna hear fast double bass, listen to the chosen legacy by dimmu borgir
i think with out a doubt those are one of the fastest in metal
right around 3:00 in the song
i just thought i would throw it out there :P
i kinda just read the last post and wuz like
"you wanna hear fast!?!?!?!"
and i got excited
Mendez saying "no me había dado cuenta de que no decía nada" at the end of The Lotus Eater.

In english that's "I didn't realize [he/she/it] didn't say anything"

I wonder what the fuck he was talking about.
I don't know the time, someone will come and tell you, but I really don't think that it's a cough, it's more like the sound you make after you drink a cold beverage, that "aaaah" sound :D
if you wanna hear fast double bass, listen to the chosen legacy by dimmu borgir
i think with out a doubt those are one of the fastest in metal
right around 3:00 in the song

sounds like a fucking machine gun
If you hear the riff in Nectar at 8:50 and then the Demon of the Fall at 2:16...the riff sounds pretty close the same..but I think they aren't though
well this is not really all that unheard, but I didnt want to make a new thread for this.

Just in Hessian Peel
about 09:25 when the crazy riff comes in, Focus on that for as long as it runs for.
Its just very, very cool.
Blackwater Park - the clean section: firstly, the clean guitar has a mild level of distortion, which you hear better when he plays hard. Gives it a dark-sounding feel. Also, you hear Mikael's voice several times. I guess most people have heard it, but I always liked it.
Maybe it's been mentioned already, but the rythm and the drums between 4:00 and 4:04 in The lotus eater is just awesome. Took me quite a few listens to notice...
Also, I love how the strings that come in at 3:17 in Hessian Peel are played lower than the ones preceding them. One of the most beautiful moments in Watershed imo! By the way, have anyone else noticed that the "calm" part of Hessian Peel, that is, before the screaming starts, is EXACTLY half of the song? The screaming doesn't last for the whole second part, but still, it's pretty cool that the "breaking point" is exactly in the middle of the song! Maybe it was planned...
I've read most of the posts in this thread, and I could'nt find it, so here it goes:

Have anyone noticed the drums (i think) begining at approx. 7.51 in black rose immortal? The insanely fastgoing doublebass or whatever it is. If it is bass drums, then how is that possible? It's must be way to fast for human feets.

Yes, it is the double bass, but it´s not that impossible. An average drummer can certainly do that with his feet.
Also love the screeching sound of the fingers in the first acoustic section of Heir Apparent.

This isn't hidden at all but I just didn't want to start a new thread to ask: Is the thing on Heir Apparent after he hits


twice a pick scratch or just a slide with some effect/heavy distortion? I can't get it to sound quite right on my guitar.
The Moor


5:42-5:57 I am not sure but I think it is the same thing with what I posted about Black Rose Immortal. Double bass drum thing. Check it out.
The bass in Beneath the mire sounds funny, first it goes that way...then comes the melody again and it goes in an actual pattern, next...well I didn't pay attention, I was reading this thread. :lol: