Unheard Opeth Fragments

Hey everyone, first poast

Here are some moments that I feel are very under-appreciated and need to be recognized:

5:41 - 5:47
in A Fair Judgment - I remember the day I first really "heard" this drum section, it's really great. I especially like the little rapid-fire beat Lopez does around 5:45

in Ghost of Perdition - Aside from being an excellant song I especially like this section (with this part in particular). The staccato chugging really makes for an interesting beat. The part that I'm referring to however is the effect on Mikael's voice when he say's "Rose up to it's call", it's sort of ethereal how it fades off.

in Harlequin Forest - The bass hitting the notes at the high end. Nothing else but I love that little touch
Probably this is stuff that you noticed very very easilly:

The Drapery Falls: Mendez's bass line on the first part of the song,that starts when drums kicks in (I don't know how to call it). You can hear it again at the repetition of that part at the end of the song
An easy noticeable one,too

Serenity Painted Death: When the "Darkness reared its head" line starts,you can hear an awesome long scream,that ceases when the "Took control,claiming my flesh" part starts.

I guess you talked already of this in some topic
The Moor:Before the "uuuuuuuUUUUUUUHHHHH - SHE IS WATERDROPS OVER THE PYRE" line starts,you can hear Mike sighing. Probably there's another sigh placed somewhere else,since I read something about it.
I guess you talked already of this in some topic
The Moor:Before the "uuuuuuuUUUUUUUHHHHH - SHE IS WATERDROPS OVER THE PYRE" line starts,you can hear Mike sighing. Probably there's another sigh placed somewhere else,since I read something about it.

Yeah, that's a really cool bit. I listened to the 5.1 mix, and it sounds like he's actually whispering/sighing "Melindaaaaa".
In Beneath the Mire starting about 2:23, there's a tremolo guitar panning between the left and right channels. Best heard with headphones.
I've noticed something in Coil: when Mike's singing "I'll find that the years passed us by..." and the word "by" is fading out, his voice kind of screeches a little bit. It's not that easy to notice, though... But I love it, it sort of makes the vocals sound brittle and delicate...
Probably this is stuff that you noticed very very easilly:

The Drapery Falls: Mendez's bass line on the first part of the song,that starts when drums kicks in (I don't know how to call it). You can hear it again at the repetition of that part at the end of the song

Best part of the song :rock:
I've noticed something in Coil: when Mike's singing "I'll find that the years passed us by..." and the word "by" is fading out, his voice kind of screeches a little bit. It's not that easy to notice, though... But I love it, it sort of makes the vocals sound brittle and delicate...

Yeah, I've noticed that too.
Baying Of The Hounds at around 6:57 the rhythm guitar under the solo is amazing...im sure alot of people have noticed it, but i think its worthy of pointing out...ill post some more in a little bit lol
i agree,i haven't noticed that rythm until you wrote it because it's hard to hear it but i've liked it :erk: thanks =)
At about 1:50 into lotus eater you can hear pers keyboard part, i only just heard it so it sounds quite weird.
In porcelain heart..

the drumming along with guitar at 2.15-2.29 all just seems kinda awkward. Its hard to explain but it just seems like the two don't mesh as well as they could have in this part.

did anyone else notice this?
jesus christ, are you daft

the drumming in that section of ph is purposely chaotic, to showcase what axe can do. mikael has said this on many occasions. search function ftlog.

me, I just think it sounds like shit, and it doesn't suit that part, or better yet, the song... at all.
Comments about last replies...

1. The Moor : The part you're talking about, Mikael intentionally (I don't believe it's not wanted), breathed in the microphone, maybe according to the brutality of the part right after.

2. Coil : Serisously, I didn't see any effects on the voice. I only feel Mikael is doing a vibrato with his voice. Screeshes? Well it's hard to notice. Maybe is it your speakers? Lol kidin'.

3. Porcelain Heart : That drum part is great and I couldn't see the song without it. However, I would have changed the way he finished it. The song needed action drumwise.