Unholy Alliance Tour

TheLastWithPaganBlood said:
I think last itme slayer toured with a good band was 20 years ago (!).

Slayer and Testament toured together in 1990. Testament "rushed" the Souls Of Black album, so to speak, in order to do this tour. Unfortunately, the show I wanted to go to had sold out by the time I'd heard about it.
saw Unholy Alliance Tour in Toronto on july 4, and it kicked my ass!!:rock: :rock: :rock:

well, every band except Mastodon, but i just went and got a drink, Slayer tshirt, and stood around talking during their set anyways :goggly:
absinthe_minded said:
saw Unholy Alliance Tour in Toronto on july 4, and it kicked my ass!!:rock: :rock: :rock:

well, every band except Mastodon, but i just went and got a drink, Slayer tshirt, and stood around talking during their set anyways :goggly:

Couldn't agree more dude. The show in Toronto kicked ass
Started with Thine Eyes Bleed they were actually pretty good but people were still crowding in so not many people saw them. Bodom for a second act got the place really fuckin going they were fucking great. Mastodon.....that was everyone's break, people going to the bathroom, getting food whatever. Some people were into them though. Lamb of God started to rip the fucking house apart. It started to get dark they had all the cool effects. Slayer stole the fucking show the upside down crosses everywhere holy shit
That concert was so rad... every band played the songs I really wanted to hear, I crowdsurfed, moshed til I was ready to pass out. haha for COB I managed to persuade two huge dudes to clear a path to the front for me... than I was screaming to Janne Warman "PLAY SOME FUCKING NEOCLASSICAL!!!!" (if you dont know what Im talking about check out his side project Warmen)
no i dont realy think it is antichristian. but then again, satan is the enemy of god as told in the bible.. a lot of christians are feeling attacked by satanists. What i dont understand is that araya of slayer is catholic and the new cd is going to be called 'christ illussion'
genaatloos said:
no i dont realy think it is antichristian. but then again, satan is the enemy of god as told in the bible..

Well satanism is more like "if there is good, there must be evil" because whats good if there is no evil? hehe.. well im not so familiar with satanism..
I think that Slayer feels that they have to live up to the reputation that they've created for themselves by acting all "satanist/antichrist" because that's what's expected of them nowadays.

If Slayer made an album about the life and times of George Harrison but the music was the same, no one would buy it because they want to hear shit like "Angel of Death" and "The Antichrist". All that "satanism" stuff in their lyrics is what's keeping them alive as a successful band.

Anyways, I really wanted to go to Unholy Alliance cuz I like all of the bands on the bill (minus Thine Eyes Bleed since I've never heard of them), but my parents ended up dragging me to a cottage for 6 days. Worst week ever. Only positive thing is I got a bit of a tan. Hurray.
i think ill go, but only because ive not been to a decent concert the past 3 months or so, and not much good is to come this year, at least whats already planned.. Unless AA is already touring in 06 hrhr
well, im going. anyone in holland goin? ik ga met een vriendin heen, verder gaat dr niemand die ik ken.. misschien leuk als dr wat meer gaan dat we wat kunne afspreke ofzo, in een groep is het altijd leuker